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as promised, i have a build of the project i've been referring to as pixel VN!

there are 4 characters to play as: hero, maiden, underling, and overlord. decisions you make in one story affects the others. you can toggle these behaviors to open up new paths! unfortunately, they're all bad endings... can you find a way to save these unfortunate actors?

content warning:
blood, gore, violence, strong language
(i'm happy to elaborate on any of these, just ask me!)

it's a puzzle game so this widely varies!
~2 hours to see all endings

build notes:
percentage of completeness is listed on the title screen!
there's also a note to record your endings, but you don't have to if you don't want to. i like to have the data but it's not entirely necessary.

as always, if you encounter anything that feels like a bug, please let me know so i can take a look at it... otherwise, have fun finding all 41 bad endings! (there's a secret scene after the true ending if you collect them all before that section!)

since i mostly have art left to finish, it's starting to look possible that i can release this before the end of the year... but i can't make any promises yet. WE SHALL SEE.

thanks so much for your support!

<3 nami



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