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back in january i wrote up a loose schedule of game releases i had planned... BUT LITTLE DID WE KNOW... covid-19 was about to destroy all plans for everyone ever.

so for the sake of transparency i wanted to give an update on all my longer-running projects. this past week i started coming out of my burnout fog and was able to work normally for the first time in what feels like forever! so i'm feeling pretty optimistic about having test builds to share in the coming months. so here's where things are at, currently...

    i finalized everyone's new looks and made a lot of the sprites! unfortunately, to actually start scripting the game, i need to build the environments (which are a lot of all-new tiles this time). i have not had the energy for that kind of work at all, so this project is VERY DELAYED... i know exactly what i want the story to be, so once i get over this hurdle i imagine the rest of development should go fairly quickly. i'm still not sure if i'll be able to finish before the year ends, but i'm trying not to pressure myself too much. forcing myself to make it will result in a worse game, and i don't want to phone it in near the end of the series! (only 1-2 parts left after this one, and then it'll be over...!) thank you all for your incredible patience ;o;
    i haven't touched this one in a little while but it's really close to having a demo!! right now i'm torn between replacing all the rough assets with final art, or just finishing up the rest of the missing story chunks... i want the demo to feel like a complete experience without delaying it too much longer, because it could really use testing from a wider audience at this point! i'm thinking about doing a closed beta sort of thing... it'll likely end up being the largest game i've ever made, but i want to share it soon because like... the whole first half of it is done... so i think a demo for this is still something i can achieve before 2020 is over!!
  • PIXEL VN STATUS (bet you didn't expect this one!):
    ok so i've mentioned this one a couple times over the years... this is a project i started in 2015. it currently has 572 illustrations (which is insane but the style lets me finish them within 20 minutes on average). as of today, 305 of those are completed! so i made it past the halfway mark...! music, coding, gui, writing, all that stuff is basically 95% there, so it's really just finishing art assets at this point! the game is currently being tested by close friends... it's really important to me that i get this one right. but i expect to be able to share it here this weekend! i'm excited but also very nervous!!

tl;dr... things are moving along ;o;! i will have two different test builds to share within the next couple months for sure! everything else is too far off to be able to tell. i honestly have a ton of other smaller projects started, but these big ones are my main focus for now.

THANKS FOR READING! as always, i really appreciate your support!!

<3 nami



Take as much time as you need, take care of yourself, we can patiently look forward to see these projects when they are ready :)


good job getting out of burnout, i'm happy for you! hope you have fun developing these lovely games <3