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i did another ludum dare with my friends over the weekend! this is the 4th Moonlight Jammers game and it might be the best one yet?! if you've ever played puzzle bobble/bust-a-move, it's kinda like that... but with IMPS!

>> download/play in browser on itchio <<

i'm technically on vacation, so no postmortem this time... but i'll write up a mini one anyway!

the theme for the jam was SUMMONING. Miragey designed some of the characters, but i did all the little animations... hehe, can you tell which characters are nami originals? (some of them are pretty obvious...) umm npckc wrote the story and jummbus did all the programming!! damifortune knocked out the amazing soundtrack and DonutShoes was on sfx! so... pretty much all the same roles as our first two games. chunderfins wasn't around for most of the weekend, but he did the animation on the summoning circle! (it looks so good...) oh, Miragey did the incredible-looking backgrounds and the greater demons, and kc drew the imps :) i think that's everything haha.

i had a lot of fun animating all the little guys--it made me want to do more little animations for games like this because it's so quick to make them and SO REWARDING to see. i think the title illustration came out really awesome too, even though it was pretty rushed...! we actually planned to do 4 levels but we ran out of time x_x there might be an update in the next week or so, after we get some rest haha.

ok, that's about it!! i'll share the psds in a little while!

as always, thanks for your support~ enjoy our game!!

<3 nami



Harry Tsang

The art looks great. The expressive tail of the main character reminds me of Yuko from Machikado Mazoku (The Demon Girl Next Door) and it's really cute