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Just wanted to quickly recognize the fact I just hit 100 patron for the first time. Honestly, it's been a grind to put out the volume of content I have and grow this thing over the past 20 months. But when I step back and look at that number, I feel incredibly privileged to have a supporting audience. You allow me to do what I love and motivate me to keep pushing the boulder up the hill. We're just getting started here!

So it looks like Pixelminis will be getting reintroduced into the content cycle soon. If you're not familiar, these are simply small scale artworks(64x64). I want to make sure this 100 patrons thing sticks before I add them to the schedule. Also, weekly may be pushing it with all my other content now. First, I think I'll try to do at least a couple a month.

Thanks again! You guys are the best^^ 


Matej 'Retro' Jan

Well deserved! Your tuts are among the best out there, and your style is always unique+fresh. Excited to see what you bring us in the future.


Well deserved, indeed! Whenever someone asks me how to get started with pixel art, I reference your works and tutorials and say "here, that's how" ;D Thanks for making this medium so accessible to a broad audience. You truly make a difference. Keep up the great work!