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TBH I think I'm most proud of this LOL even though I had to take that break in November- the difference in confidence between the beginning of the year and the end of the year is staggering. 

(Also - since some of you might be like "I dont recognize that one" this post is a combination of Demon and Archdemon Tiers- which was introduced in May!)

In total I was able to complete 40-ish pictures across both tiers. Which actually equals about 3 per month :o 

and January ArchDemon will be kicking off strong because I'm going to be doing a batch of backlog requests every week before starting off with a new request form in February!!!

Thank you all so much for being here! NSFW art has been a really great creative outlet for me even though I can't share it on literally any other platform LOL and has helped me get a lot more confident in anatomy in general!! 

I hope you enjoy all the spice I will have to offer next year :) 





Wait, which tiers can see the December one you've included?


That one was for Archdemon and there are 4 variants of it :) (obviously cropped here lol)

Brittney Fontyn

Looks like I need to set a goal to upgraded to Arch demon this new year 😱😱😱