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Wow, a lot happened this year!!!! 

To be honest there were a few months where I drew a bunch of stuff (that you can't see here cuz its only one per month) and then like... with June and November that really was it LOL those were the only things I did haha. 

Starting to do the phone backgrounds has been a good way to make me do one thing per month that's not comic related because- oh- yeah

I guess this art summary doesn't include the  38 Episodes that I've made this year 

AKA at least 1520 panels (since each episode is a minimum of 40 but some episodes had more than that. Especially the s2 finale and s3 return)

Also between February and April I was cleaning up our house and then moving into a new house which came with its own set of challenges. But now we have fully settled in :) 

Next year... The last free episode of Muted will post on March 17th. Practically exactly 3 years since its launch (March 14th 2019) I will try to do something big for that. 

And then....? Who knows. Obviously I still am working on LoveBot with Chase- which will hopefully come BACK in March for s2 (watch it come back on March 19th LMAO that'd be hilarious) 

I have a lot of plans for Merch stuff in January. I am putting up all the stuff from LACC as well as new candy charms. I really do enjoy making it- but obviously since there is a lot more cost involved instead of just... making art and posting it... I have to be more strategic about what I do there. 

As far as Muted finishing and there being a printed version. It is something that I want to do but have no idea how to go about doing it. I'll likely discuss the process with WT and see if they have any suggestions for the best way to handle it. But ideally I'd like to do a Kickstarter so that I can make exclusive merch rewards for that. 

Either way- thank you all for being here. New and Old. Some of you since I was just a lil baby makin Youtube vids lmao. I'm really happy with how I've been able to grow this Patreon and learning to actually have like... a Business instead of just throwing random shit at the wall and hoping something happens HAHA

Really excited to see what 2022 has in store!!! 



Victoria Juarez

Just congratulations 😭❤️ I honestly find you and your partner so inspiring


It's been an amazing journey! My pockets are saved up for physical copies without a doubt.