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Even though they'll never come up - I went ahead and named all of Kalen's Siblings

((You'll notice all his siblings have plant based names - he chose his name based on "Kale" to stay in line with that theme)) 

Then when it came to Jazmin and Linden - they have additional siblings but just wanted to draw the lines into how they impact the stories directly so that's why it just says + siblings lmfao

Aster is Harriet's oldest, Kalen was the youngest.  (If I said something else before in a tumblr ask, ignore that LMAO)

It get's kind of hard to picture like... how much time can pass between generations. But for example in how that reflects IRL. My mother is about the same age if not older than my wife's grandfather. Just because people have children at different ages lol! (like I am 11 years younger than my older sister as well) 

Went ahead and named Athalie and Sophia's husbands as well even though they also will likely never appear. I know that people are very curious about Jonothan's relationship with the Severin family but the truth is he is very much not present in their lives. 




I see a relationship between Sophia and a man named Victor. I know husband's dont really play a role, but does that mean Sophia has twins as well?? Or is going to??


she doesn't have kids at the moment no, but she would like to at some point


This looks great! Would it be possible if we could have a full Severin family tree picture starting from the “Founding Mother” Vanessa Severin?


Also, I know Athalie sacrificed her to a demon, but did you ever plan a name for Avaline’s twin? If so, what was her name going to be?

Anya Twerk

It's just great 🔥🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❣️🔥❣️🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥