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  • We're doing Sophia before we do Silvia because doing so allows me to reference as a kid vs the one I have in mind for her which is more specifically her relation to the story and Abrielle + Camille. 

With Athalie we know what it is like to come second to the Matriarch. But what about the feelings of coming second in an already second tier family?

It's not great.

When you think of Athalie and Abrielle, you know that they are both rather dominant personalities in their own ways. Athalie is quieter and obviously much more traditional (and cruel) but they are both very steadfast in their beliefs and stubborn. This is a trait they have in common with their mother Alette. 

Alette was a very confident, convincing, and snide person. Where Athalie does things because she had to - Alette did them because she thought it was important AND because she enjoyed it. 

So where did that leave her sister Selene? Selene was a much quieter and meeker girl. Very much over run by her sister and unable to stand up to her. It undermined her confidence but in a way that withered at her instead of making her desperately scramble for purchase to stand her ground (like Athalie) 

She had no chance even from the start of being Matriarch, Alette had made that very clear from their youth. And after failing to even complete the wish ritual (because she was too nervous to remember the symbols correctly) that basically cemented it. 

Alette gets married, has two beautiful children. And she gloats. 

Selene does her duty, quietly, taking care of the girls when she is asked to. A gentle touch that the girls know that they can turn to - but not really a personality that they could derive much from. A nice nanny to put a band-aid on their knees when they fell or help them learn to read. 

Then 13 years she finally gets a chance to marry a nice man with an okay amount of money to his name. But someone that she feels safe with. And she has two beautiful children. 

So where does that leave Silvia and Sophia? 13 whole years younger than their direct cousins. And already in second place anyway. 

Who do they learn from, their mother? No. They learn from those in power. 

While Silvia admired Abrielle and respected her mothers quiet kindness. She didn't mind not being in the spotlight. But Sophia could only see what the others had that she did not. She would go to visit their other family and be brimming with envy. 

I want way they have. I want what they have! Why do we not get it? I deserve those things just as much as they do!  I have just a right to be matriarch as the rest of them! Why am I out of the running because my mother was weak?? 

She began to demand. She demanded anything that came to mind.  And Selene's inability to say no and wanting to keep peace in her home caused a rift between her and her husband. Because he didn't want to give her everything she wanted, plus he simply didn't have the money to give her everything that she demanded. 

But she wanted it! She wanted it! Selene would do her best to give her everything that she wanted but it was never enough. 

Sometimes Silvia would get gifts and she would demand those as well, this is a lot of why they would fight. Silvia did not ask for much, or require much, but for her sister to demand she hand over her persona affects was too far. 

Alette didn't help. Very easily dismissing Sophia with a gesture of her hand. Too whiny, hot headed, childish. Silvia is clearly the better twin. Intelligent and Witty, doesn't cry about anything like Selene or Sophia do. Silvia of course, internalized this more than she thought she did. Doing her best to be independent and never cry about anything because if she cried then she would be like her sister. If she messed up then she'd be stupid like her sister. if she got angry then she'd be hotheaded like her sister. She - despite herself - held onto that. "I am better than my sister"

Drives the knife deeper. Sophia begins to hate her sister, in turn - Silvia begins to hate her (where she had previously just begrudgingly put up with her) Sophia begins to try and prove that she is better, adjusting herself into more of the kind of person Alette approved of (or tried) - Silvia is just determined even more to prove that she's nothing like her sister.

Sophia summons a crow familiar. 

Silvia is determined to not be like her sister. Attempts to summon anything other than a crow - it backfires and attacks her. She ends up with a crow, and a scar on her eye. 

Sophia feels like she's won. She mocks her sister for it. 

Silvia gives her a scar to match. 

Silvia is determined to get as far away from her sister as she can, takes up the position in the old manor. Alone and undisturbed. 

Sophia decides to become assistant to Athalie. A bit of salt in the wound... She gets along better with Athalie but everyone knows that Abrielle is the favorite. She will be the one to become matriarch... so she's farther away from the matriarch position than before... 

And then... Athalie only has one child.... Abrielle dies... Chloe dies... Camille and Avaline are proving more and more unfit to rule... 

Maybe this will work out for her after all... 


Richard Hernandez

I am really loving these backstories and character deep-dives. Silvia would be best suited for the role of Matriarch IMO, I like her a lot.

Krystal Hand

Damn. Silvia gave Sophia her scar? How did she manage that?