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There are several platforms where artists (here, specifically cosplayers) can monetize their content. Doesn't need to be all of them, some fit your content and interests, some might not.

1. Patreon: 
My favorite, based on monthly subscription with you being able to set the rewards and structure. Tip: See what other cosplayers offer as inspiration of what could be your rewards if you need ideas.

2. Twitch:
Streaming cosplay creation or gaming while in cosplay can attract subscribers and donations. Not my cup of tea but can be fun and successful.

3. YouTube:
Creating tutorials, vlogs, streams or behind-the-scenes content can generate ad revenue. Hard to establish your channel or find your niche, but this has a lot of potential if you do!

4. Instagram:
Leveraging sponsored posts, brand partnerships and affiliate marketing. This might become relevant only once you were able to build a certain following. I put brand partnerships as an extra subject at 9.

5. Etsy: 
Selling cosplay accessories, prints, or digital downloads, offering patterns, smaller commissions, artworks or other products that you designed.

6. Ko-fi:
Fans can support you by buying you a coffee, which can help fund your cosplay projects! This is how I started. People can help you fund materials for example.

7. Commissions:
Offering art, costume or prop-making services to fans or other cosplayers. Be VERY careful though that 1) you still do what brings you fun and 2) to not sell commissions for too cheap and under your value!

8. Cosplay-specific conventions:
Selling prints, merchandise, or offering commissioned photo shoots at conventions.

9. Brand collaborations:
Working with brands to promote content can also lead up to some extra income and/or exposure. The more followers you have, usually the more requests you're gonna get but in my experience, 80% of them offer no payment in return for your services, just a product. In some cases that's great (e.g. if you wanted those contacts for your next project anyways), but sometimes they exploit you (if an established brand offers you a product worth 12$ for content that cost you hours and maybe days to prepare). So don't shy away to contact brands yourself that you would like to work with. It's probably easiest to start with product sponsorship, like a shop providing foam for your next armor build. With time, that can turn into paid promotions and maybe even longer term partnerships!

10. Onlyfans or Fansly if you're into adult content as well 😝

These platforms offer different opportunities for monetization depending on your content and audience. If you use more than one, make sure to have links to them all easily accessible for others on your profiles!



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