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Building a social media following as an artist or cosplayer involves several key aspects. Here are my tips:

1. Consistent posting:
Regularly share your artwork and updates to keep your audience engaged and interested. Consistency helps maintain visibility and attract new followers. It also tells the Algorithm you're relevant.
That doesn't mean you need something new everyday, but try to keep a regular rhythm going, even if it's just progress shots or life relevant stuff. Whatever floats your boat 😊

2. Be authentic: 
Stay true to your own interests and passions in art and cosplay, and don't be afraid to showcase your unique style and personality. Authenticity resonates with audiences and can help you stand out in a crowded cosplay community. Some people will wanna support you as a person more then just the work you produce 😉 What helps with this is to never do something only for the numbers. Be sure you do stuff that you also feel like doing.

3. Engagement with your audience:
Interact with your followers by responding to comments, messages, and feedback. Building genuine connections with your audience helps foster a loyal fanbase and encourages them to support your work.

4. Use of hashtags and tagging:
Utilize relevant hashtags and tag accounts or communities related to art to increase the visibility of your posts. This can help attract new followers who are interested in similar content or be seen by big accounts that then share your work with their followers. A tip: Get a peek at what hadhtags other content creators use that make similar content :) Once you have a collection, copy and save it to not have to type it out every single time you post.

5. Catch a Hype:
This is tricky and doesn't need to be your main focus all the time. But sometimes, new content is a lot about timing! If you do cosplay or fanart for example, try do something from a game, show or movie that has just been released and is going popular. Only if you also want to, of course. Sometimes it aligns with your own interests, sometimes not. I've found that it works really well because 1) your content is very relevant to most and 2) it helps you stand out because there haven't already been a million others doing the same.
Be aware that you don't put too much pressure on always having to make something fast or at all, just because you wanna catch that hype. Most important is still that you have passion for the things you create 😁

6. Showcasing your process: 
Share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your creative process, including sketches, works in progress, setup etc. This provides insight into your artistic journey and can be intriguing to your audience. It also helps with having more regular content to post, not just the finished results.

7. Collaborations and shoutouts:
This is more relevant when you're already going a bit and want to increase your following. Collaborate with other artists/cosplayers/photographers or feature their work on your page, and vice versa. This can help expand your reach to each other's audiences and introduce your art to new followers. Especially handy with the new collaborator function on IG :)

(8. Cross-promotion:)
Now, I don't do this a lot and it's only relevant if you have more social media accounts/pages than just one. But cross-promoting your social media profiles on different platforms to attract followers from various sources.

9. Consistent branding:
This is something that can come up naturally and over time. It's nice for your audience if they see a theme with a specific person (e.g. how an artwork is presented, something that makes you uniquely and recognizable you). Like maintaining a cohesive aesthetic across your social media profiles or posts in order to create a recognizable identity. This includes profile picture, bio, color scheme, and overall style. For me it's probably photography style, I don't even know. This is sometimes not easy to control and shouldn't be your main focus either, but it can help sometimes.

10. Be aware that Social Media is highly random too: 
You can do everything perfectly and follow all the tips and still don't get picked up by the algorithm. Unfortunately there's always also a chunk of luck that's needed to be seen and shared. Don't beat yourself up if progress is slow, especially at the beginning. Building a following might not happen overnight, but you can still do this! Step by step! ♥️

Bonus tip, for those who can afford it: Work towards decent equipment that you need for your work. Good quality tools help towards good quality content. Of course not everyone can afford the newest, best camera, but investing in e.g. a basic, solid lighting setup or camera equipment goes a very long way, especially long term. Maybe you can get there step by step.

These are all according to my own experience and aren't a guaranteed success promise. But by focusing on these tips and staying authentic to your artistic vision, you can work effectively on establishing yourself as an artist. Good luck out there 😊



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