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Script // Source 

Storyline: While at college, you made best friend's with a moth girl. You two are practically inseparable. The only issue is that last month, you and your friend ended up in a bit of a situation. See, you touched her antennae. She encouraged you to do so, but they felt so soft in your hand. You haven't been able to stop thinking about them since and it's getting distracting. So distracting that she starts to notice... 

Included: dark academia setting, moth girl, friends with benefits, in public (library), embarrassed listener, quick hook up, university, l-bombs (platonically), the vibes are two brats playing with each other/teasing each other/working each other up in public, antennae stroking, over the clothes, through the pants, mutual orgasms, switch vibes, face grabbing, eye contact, humiliation, and study session

~ Inclusivity Stuff ~

Pet Names: dude and sweetheart

Body Parts Mentioned: fingers, face, chin, and head

Pronouns Used: You/Your

I don't do a lot of moths or birds or insects with wings and that's because I'm actually scared of birds and bugs with wings. I don't know why. There are exceptions to the rule like with crows and pigeons or bees and bats but I'm absolutely terrified of the rest. I think it was because a goose honked at me once. Not as bad as being rammed by a ram though. That shit knocked the wind out of me, headbutted me in the stomach so hard. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this little mothy friend, she's an extra rare treat! xX Lofn

The chair creaks are intentional and definitely not a sign I need to buy a new chair




omgg i love love LOVE moth girls tysm <333


Ok, how did the situation with the ram happen!? Genuinely interested, very nice audio btw


I was like 10 and on a farm feeding some animals. I was paying attention the female sheep cause they were friendlier and giving them popcorn The ram didn’t like that and rammed me and I fell flat on my ass. Stole all the popcorn like an asshole lmao I love that ram dude