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Script // Source 

Storyline: You adore your job. A few times a week you are trussed up in a way that a certain monster cannot resist and then set up as bait for them. Once you lure them in, you are able to get details and find out where they live. Then your team can formulate a plan to take care of said monsters. Your life as bait is great because you basically get to be fucked by these monsters AND get paid for it. Recently there has been a call about some creature looming in the woods and killing those looking for something lost. You and your team decide you "lost" something and got "stuck" inside a tree. It's been five minutes since you've started calling for help when you hear footsteps...

Included: “stuck” listener, in public (outdoors), acting helpless on purpose listener, monster girl (not specified), girl with a cock, monster anatomy, sensory deprivation (blindfold), restrained (via tree), humiliation, dumbification, praise, compliments, patronizing femdom, spanking, creampie, cumming inside, mutual orgasms, and being left there

~ Inclusivity Stuff ~

Pet Names: little one and princess

Body Parts Mentioned: hole, ass, cheeks (face), thighs, legs, face, and head

Pronouns Used: You/Your

Misc: slut and whore are used a few times throughout but as a descriptor like “slut behavior” not you are a slut if that makes sense

I was thinking with this it would be a fun trope to do every so often. Not as a series or anything but just kind of like an "An explorer's guide to not getting caught" and you get caught in situation and it's like a field guild you are writing/documenting/creating. Lemme know if you would like more Monster Bait ideas. It was really fun to play with and I figured if you were going to be bait, it was the law to do the classic "I'm stuck" situation. It's a bit fun and a bit lewd and overall a good time. Enjoy your time with this mystery monster babe! (seriously idk what she is) xX Lofn

P.S. The $20 tier will be coming out tomorrow if I don't finish it tonight. I meant to do it Thursday or Friday but the weather had other plans and made recording difficult this week (and last) Thank you for being patient as I attempt to get everything done plus deep clean my apartment for inspection (at least it isn't from the state this time)




Dang if being bad ended like this more often I'd try it out hah, also lofn do you have a discord server?