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Thank you for all the supporters, because of your support, I have finished a new work.

This work is the most difficult one among all my works, because I did it while I was sick.

You may say, "You can do it when you get well, we can wait."

But I hope that every month there will be a new animation for you to see, and I hope that in this not-so-happy world and busy daily life, every month you will have a private time to make yourself happy and comfortable. So I still try my best to create, and most importantly I want you to be happy, because you are very important to me.

Last month I had a hard time reaching 100 supporters, which means a lot to me, because it's half of my goal, so I took pictures of it.

Then this month some of my supporters were unable to support me, so I have to work a little longer to reach 100 supporters again,

Because some of my supporters are in Russia, where many payment programs and channels are no longer available due to the recent military problems, there is no way for them to support my work.

Whether it's a month of support or an early supporter, I'm grateful to them,

Some of them sent me messages to say goodbye, and I was a little sad because some of them were with me all the time, and never gave up on me during my low times or when I didn't have any impressive work, so when I received their messages, it felt like an important person was parting with me.

I hope they will be happy, safe, healthy, and able to live their ideal lives in the future.

In addition to thinking about the content of this month's animation, I was also thinking about how to make things better for supporters who are $10 or more.

Considering that some supporters have been supporting me for $10 a month since the beginning of this year, and some of them have been doing so because they think my creation is very heartfelt, $5 is too little.

I'm grateful for this, so I've come up with a way to say thank you, as long as the accumulated amount is more than the Admiral plan, you will get all my creations, and the creations that are currently completed every month will be added to the Admiral plan every month, and the monthly price will be adjusted every month as well.

Let's say you are a $10 supporter, your accumulated amount is $53, and Admiral plan is now $58, then the next month your accumulated amount will be the same as Admiral plan, then you will get all my creations, I will also send a folder with all my creations to all the supporters who have reached their accumulated amount goal every month.

Some of you may wonder why it is $58 instead of $110 for 22 creations?

Because this is a one-time purchase offer from the Commander plan, which is a thank you for buying all my creations, and therefore reduces the price by almost half.

If you want to purchase individual pieces individually, they are on average more expensive than a one-time purchase,

For example, "20.LIP&HIP", which has two versions, more expensive dance moves, and a lot of content, will cost more than $5 for a single purchase,

This is a special treatment for $5 monthly long-term supporters.

The above are the things that are worth writing down except for the sickness in the last month, and then I will talk about this animation.

This time, I listened to the song and watched the dance with my own character many times, but I thought it was not erotic enough, so I took the time to study all of IWARA's "NUMBER 9" carefully. It is really difficult to find more erotic parts in this dance, because besides the song is more exciting, lack of seduction and sensationalism, the dance also has few sexy movements.

The "NUMBER 9" dance has none of the ass shaking, leg opening, breast shaking, or sexual innuendo that the "Chocolate Cream" dance has,

Besides, if you look at other producers' NUMBER 9, you will find that there are too many repetitive movements in this dance, and with the lack of seduction, sensational music and sexy movements, you will easily get tired of watching it,

So I also spent a lot of time thinking about how to change.

When I was designing the sex animation for the second half of the song, I had to listen to the music many times because of the content, and halfway through I gradually lost the erotic feeling, and even thought the song was cool and had a good rhythm, so I had a new idea that since the song lacked a lot of sensational elements, the main selling point of the song must not be the direction of eroticism, so I should throw away my old ideas, I should make the dance look more dynamic, cooler, and fresher.

With this in mind, I started to set up the stage, so there were two supercars on the stage, with lights on the front and smoke coming out from underneath them,

I also chose a very noble looking costume for the two characters to wear, because there was no butt shaking action, so I decided to let the two characters let their hair down as well, which is really rare.

Then after watching the dance again with these new configurations, I felt I had the right idea, and at this point I also set my own clear goal, this time I hope you will have a fresh feeling as if watching this dance for the first time.

Because this time the clothes do not have underwear and panties, and to make the dance look fresh and cool enough, but also to find ways to add some erotic elements without making you look out of place, so this dance part, really spent a lot of time to consider how to allocate shots, how many close-ups should be made, what should be left of the original shots, how many new shots or new shots should be made.

How many new shots or new animations should be made to increase the sensational feeling and match the song, when to take off the clothes to maximize the use of the clothes to show the charm of the character and make the audience have more visual enjoyment, the design and thinking process of the dancing part is about this.

And the sex act because the music is not exciting enough, so I chose a lot of oral sex animation, I hope you through watching the beauty in front of you for your big penis service or even to help you service with seductive eyes looking at you, I hope this can increase your sexual desire.

And when you start to get an erection, the beauty in front of you will start to serve you with a big ass to you, in a series of warm-up process and then finally to suck you to achieve a full erection, when you are fully erect is the time to make love with Joy❤.

06:13-06:20, the supporter keeps molesting Joy❤ with his big penis, inserting it into her pussy and pulling it out, then inserting it again to the fullest, it's really bad, Joy❤ likes it a lot, and also climaxes once because the supporter's penis is too thick, Joy❤ likes the supporter's big penis the most❤.

06:20-06:30, supporter found Joy❤'s G-spot, so he kept rubbing his glans repeatedly, so Joy❤ kept coming, supporter really knew what Joy❤ wanted ❤.

06:31-06:32, supporter opened Joy❤'s legs and looked at Joy❤'s pussy and started to thrust fast and deep and enjoy the pussy ❤.

The supporter is so horny, how can you open Joy's legs and watch the pussy and thrusting hard at the same time ❤

Of course you can ❤❤❤❤

The supporter can open Joy's legs as many times as you wants ❤ ❤

Please be sure to open Joy's legs ❤❤❤❤❤

Because as soon as Joy❤'s legs are opened by the supporter, Joy❤'s pussy will flow with love, and the thought of having Joy❤'s legs opened by the supporter and being pumped with a big penis makes me feel so comfortable❤.

06:33 climax position, it is rare to encounter this rhythm of music again, this part I immediately remembered "Master Serve 2" in the bathroom sex part, the same is open legs being pumped, I like the most ❤

I think this position you also want to cum ❤

You've been holding back for a long time, so hurry up and cum into Joy❤'s pussy, or Joy won't let you go ❤.

In the last part of the animation, after the internal ejaculation, finally like a couple Joy and supporters hugged together, they enjoy the pleasure of grinding pussy and large penis, and then supporters to Joy❤'s body ejaculate once.

The content is about this, I finished typing this article, and my panties are full of love juice again ❤

Please take off your pants and open Joy's legs to enjoy Joy's pussy ❤❤❤

Thank you all for your support so that Joy can continue to produce. ❤

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. ❤

Thank you all for your support so that Joy can continue to produce. ❤

About the production progress, you are welcome to go to my DISCORD/TWITTER to watch, I will update there often.


  • A private message has been sent to all supporters who have completed payment, please check it.
  • Please don't unsubscribe, in case you can't receive the private message.
  • Have a great weekend! ❤


很感谢各位支援者, 因为有你们的支援, 我又完成了一个新的作品了。

这个作品在我所有作品中, 是最辛苦的一个创作, 因为我是在生病中完成的。

你们可能会说, 等你康复再做就可以了, 我们可以等。

但我希望每一个月也有新的动画能给你们看, 希望你们在这个不太高兴的世界中以及忙碌的日常里, 每一个月也有能够令自己开心和舒服的私人时间。所以我还是尽力去创作, 最重要的是我希望你们能够开心, 因为你们对我很重要。

上一个月我很不容易达到了100个支援者, 这对我来说很大意义, 因为是我目标的一半, 所以我把图片拍下来了。

然后这个月有一部份的支援者无法支援我了, 所以我要再努力多一段时间才能再次达到100位支援者, 因为在我的支援者当中, 有部份人是身处于俄罗斯, 而当地因最近的军事问题令当地有很多支付程式以及付款渠道也变得无法再使用了, 因此他们也没有任何方法能够再支援我的创作。

不论是一个月的支援或是早期的支援者, 我很感谢这些他们, 他们有些人向我寄出了讯息道别, 我实在是有点难过, 因为他们当中有些人一直在陪伴着我, 在我的低潮时期或时没什么令人印象深刻的作品时也没有放弃过我, 所以当我收到他们讯息的一刻, 感觉就像重要的人和自己要离别一样。


另外我在生病时除了思考这个动画的内容, 也在思考如何让$10或以上的支援者有更好的待遇。

考虑到有些支援者在今年开始以每月$10一直在只持我, 有些人的原因是他们认为我的创作很有心意, $5实在是太少。

我对此表示感谢, 所以我想了一个感谢的方式, 只要累积金额多过Admiral plan, 就能获得我所有的创作, 目前每个月完成的创作每过一个月也会新增在Admiral plan上, 而每月的价格也会随着每月调整。

假设你现在是$10的支援者, 你的累积金额是$53, 而Admiral plan现在是$58, 那下一个月你的累积金额就和Admiral plan一样, 此时你就能获得我的所有创作, 我会每一个月也向所有累积金额达到目标的支援者寄出一个含有我所有创作的资料夹网址。

有人会奇怪为什么22个作品不是$110, 而是$58?

因为这是Admiral plan的一次性购买优惠, 这是为了感谢购买我所有创作的人而提供的优惠, 因此降低了接近一半的售价。

如果想单独购物个别作品, 平均会比一次性购买贵, 当然部份作品例如像动作比较贵加上有两个版本, 内容丰富的「20.LIP&HIP」单独购买会高于$5, 这算是对$5每月长期支援者的特别待遇。

以上是个人上一个月除了生病之外比较值得记下的近况, 接着说一下关于这次的动画。

这次的动画, 因为我听了很多次歌曲和用自己的角色看了很多次舞蹈也觉得不够色情, 所以我花时间把IWARA所有的「NUMBER 9」也仔细地研究了一次, 我发现我认为这个舞蹈不够色情的感觉没有错, 要在这个舞蹈中找到较色情的部份真的很困难, 因为除了歌曲比较激昂, 缺乏诱惑和煽情的感觉外, 舞蹈也很少性感的动作。

像「Chocolate Cream」舞蹈中的摇屁股、打开双腿、摇摆胸部、性暗示动作, 这些都没有, 所以我在特写方面花了很多时间, 除此之外, 如果你们去看其他制作人的「NUMBER 9」, 你会发现这个舞蹈太多重覆的动作, 在缺乏诱惑、煽情音乐以及性感的动作下会很容易看腻, 可能看到一半就不想再看了, 所以我也花了很多时间思考如何改变。

我在为这首歌曲设计后半的性爱动画时, 因为构思内容需要听很多次这首音乐, 在中途我渐渐没有了色情的感觉, 甚至认为这首歌很酷, 节奏感很不错, 所以我出现了一个新的想法, 既然这首歌缺乏很多煽情的元素, 那么这首歌的主要卖点就肯定不是色情的方向, 所以我应该要抛弃固有的想法, 我应该要令这个舞蹈看起来更有动感, 更酷, 令整个舞蹈看起来也有新鲜感。

在有了这个想法后, 我开始为舞台布置, 所以舞台上出现了两架超级跑车, 车头开着灯, 然后跑车下有烟雾喷出, 我也选择了看起来很高贵的服装让两位角色穿上, 因为没什么摇屁股的动作, 所以我决定要让两位角色把头发也放下来, 这真的很难得。

然后用这些新的配置再看一次跳舞之后, 我觉得自己的想法是对的, 此时我也确定了自己的明确目标, 这次的目标是我希望你们会有像是第1次看这个舞蹈一样的新鲜感。

因为这次的衣服没有内衣和内裤, 而且要令舞蹈看起来有新鲜感、够酷之余当中也要想办法加入一些色情元素又不会令各位看到出戏, 所以这次的跳舞部份, 真的花了很多时间去考虑该怎样分配镜头、该制作多少特写镜头、该留下那些原有的镜头、该制作多少新的镜头或是新的动画加进去增加煽情感觉和配合这首歌曲、什么时候脱衣服才能最大限度地利用这套衣服展现出角色的魅力以及令观众有更多的视觉享受, 跳舞部份的设计以及思考过程大约是这样。

而性行为由于音乐不够煽情, 所以我选择了很多口交的动画, 希望各位透过观看眼前的美人为各位的大阴茎服务甚至是在帮各位服务时用魅惑的眼神注视着各位, 希望这样能增加各位的性欲。

而当你们开始勃起, 你眼前的美人就开始用大屁股对着各位去为各位服务, 在一连串的热身过程中最后再为各位口交以达到完全勃起, 当各位完全勃起后就是和Joy❤做爱的时间。

06:13-06:20, 支援者一直在用大阴茎调戏Joy, 把大阴茎插进去小穴又拔出来, 然后又再一次插到最尽, 真的太坏了, Joy很喜欢, 同时也因为这样高潮了一次, 因为支援者的了阴茎太粗了, Joy❤最喜欢支援者的大阴茎了。

06:20-06:30, 支援者发现Joy❤的G点, 结果一直重覆着用龟头磨擦着, 所以Joy❤不停地在高潮, 支援者真清楚Joy❤想要什么呢❤。

06:31-06:32, 支援者打开双腿注视着Joy❤的阴部开始又快又深地抽插和享受着小穴❤。

支援者真是好色, 怎么可以打开人家双腿还看着小穴大力地抽插呢❤ 


支援者想打开Joy❤的双腿多少次也可以❤ ❤


因为Joy❤只要被支援者打开双腿, 小穴就会流出爱液, 一想到正在被支援者打开双腿然后用大阴茎抽插着, 感觉快舒服到要死了。

06:33的高潮位置, 很难得再一次遇到有这种节奏的音乐, 这个部份我立刻就想起「Master Serve 2」在洗手间做爱的部份, 一样是打开腿被人抽插着, 我最喜欢了❤


忍耐了这么久, 快点把精液射进Joy❤的小穴, 不然Joy是不会让你走的❤。

在动画最后的部份, 内射后, 最后像情侣一样Joy❤和支援者抱在一起, 两人享受者磨擦小穴和大阴茎的快感, 然后支援者对着Joy❤的身体再外射一次精液。

内容大约是这样, 我打完这篇文章, 内裤又全都是爱液了❤


感谢各位的支持, 希望你们喜欢这个视频。❤

如有问题欢迎你们随时找我。 ❤

感谢大家的支持,使Joy能够继续制作。 ❤

关于制作进度, 欢迎你们前往我的DISCORD/TWITTER观看, 我会经常在那里更新。


  • 已对所有完成付款的支援者寄出私人讯息, 请检查。
  • 请不要取消订阅, 以免无法收取私人讯息。
  • 祝您周末愉快!❤


















なぜなら、これはCommander プランからの購入特典で、私の作品をすべて買ってくれたことに対する感謝の気持ちなので、価格がほぼ半額になるのです。





今回、何度も曲を聴き、自キャラでのダンスを見ましたが、エロさが足りないと思い、IWARAの「NUMBER 9」をじっくりと全作品勉強しました。曲の方が刺激的で、誘惑や扇情に欠ける上に、ダンスもセクシーな動きが少ないので、このダンスにもっとエロい部分を見つけるのは本当に難しいです。

「NUMBER 9」には、「Chocolate Cream」のようにお尻を振ったり、足を開いたり、胸を揺らしたり、性的なニュアンスが全くないのです。












06:20-06:30, サポーターはJoy❤のGスポットを見つけたので、亀頭を何度も擦り続け、Joy❤はイキ続けています、サポーターは本当にJoy❤が何を望んでいるか分かっています❤。

06:31-06:32, サポーターはJoy❤の足を開き、Joy❤のオマンコを見ると、速く深く突き始め、オマンコを楽しみました❤。

サポーターは、とてもムラムラしています、よくもまあ、Joy❤の足を開いたものだ を見るのと同時に、激しく突きまくるのです❤。





06:33 絶頂体位、またこのリズムの音楽に出会うのは珍しい、この部分はお風呂場でのセックスパートで「Master Serve 2」をすぐに思い出した、同じように開脚してポンプされている、一番好きです❤。











  • お支払いが完了した支援者の皆様には、プライベートメッセージをお送りしておりますので、ご確認ください。
  • プライベートメッセージを受け取ることができませんので、退会しないでください。
  • 素晴らしい週末をお過ごしください。❤



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