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Just a quick note, because I'm still a little sick, I had my second vaccination on the 18th and started to get sick until today, and I expect to be able to move again tomorrow.

Regarding the animation, it is basically 90% finished, and the editing went well even though there were some disappointing things this time.

Next I need to spend time to the dance shots this time like CHOCOLATE CREAM, to give you some close-ups of your favorite sexy and important parts, and every day I will watch this finished product to see if it is smooth and can be modified, or some new ideas will be added, and if there is no accident, I will send it to you on the 5th of next month.

These are the questions that you are more concerned about, and then I will answer a question from my supporters:


Why is my CHOCOLATE CREAM so erotic, just dancing is already enough to make me cum, I must watch this video to cum every day when I get home from the beginning of the month, and still not tired of it, your CHOCOLATE CREAM is different from others', your work has the eroticism that they don't have.

Joy❤ replied:

Because those close-ups are my own original creation, the concept is probably based on the goal that I want you supporters to smell my ass and my pussy when I do erotic dance to help you get an erection, so my video has an eroticism that other producers don't have.

In short, it means that other producers just use the character they want to use to create, while I put myself into the character and make love with my supporters❤.

This is the only CHOCOLATE CREAM in the world, thank you for liking it, and thank you for supporting my creation, so that this work can appear in the world.

One thing I noticed when I was lying in bed thinking about it, is that I've been working on Patreon for 6 months this month, and I really didn't think I would be able to continue making it with your support until today.

Thank you to all the super supporters who have been supporting me with $10 or more for many months, and to all the supporters who have never given up on me, I feel so much love and motivation to keep creating when I think of you.

I hope that you will continue to support and like Joy❤, if you have enough energy, please use Joy❤'s video once a day and imagine making love with Joy❤, it will make Joy feel very happy, love you all❤.


近况, 动画制作进度

简单说明一下, 因为我现在仍然有点不适, 18号注射了第2次疫苗然后开始生病直到今天, 预计明天会能再次活动, 感谢各位的关心以及因稍早前遇到的状况给我鼓励的人。

关于动画, 基本上已完成90%, 这次即使遇到了一些令人失落的事情, 但编辑也颇顺利。

接下来我需要花时间研究这次的跳舞镜头有什么位置能像CHOCOLATE CREAM一样, 给各位最喜欢的性感重要部位一些特写镜头, 之后我会每一天也观看这个完成品是否顺畅和有能修改的地方, 或是一些新的想法加进去, 


以上是各位比较关心的问题, 接下来会顺便解答一个支援者的问题:


为什么我的CHOCOLATE CREAM这么色情, 单纯只是跳舞就已经足够令我射精了, 我由月初开始每天回到家一定要看这个视频来射精, 到现在仍然没有腻, 你的CHOCOLATE CREAM和其他人的不一样, 你的作品中有他们没有的情欲。


因为那些特写镜头是我自己原创的, 概念大概是根据我想各位支援者在我正在跳色情舞蹈帮助你勃起时闻我的屁股和我的阴部这个目标制作, 所以我的视频中拥有其他制作人没有的情欲。

简单说的话大概就是其他制作人只是用他们想用的角色去创作, 而我则是把我代入进去角色中和我的支援者做爱❤。

这是世界上独一无二的CHOCOLATE CREAM, 感谢各位喜欢, 也感谢各位支援我的创作, 令这个作品可以出现在这个世界上。

跟你们说一件事, 我在这两天生病躺在床上思考时才留意到, 原来我这个月已经刚好开Patreon半年了, 我真的没想过我会有各位的支援能持续制作到今天。

也感谢连续多个月一直以$10以上支援我的超级支援者, 以及没有放弃过我一直支援我的支援者, 一想到你们, 我感到充满爱, 感到有动力持续创作。

希望各位能一直支援以及喜欢Joy❤, 如果精力充足, 请每天也使用一次Joy❤的视频, 想像和Joy❤做爱, 这会令Joy感到非常高兴的, 爱你们❤。





次に、『CHOCOLATE CREAM』のように、お気に入りのセクシーな部分をクローズアップするために、ダンスのショットをどこに配置するか、時間をかけて検討する必要があります。





私のCHOCOLATE CREAMはなぜこんなにエロいのか、踊ってるだけでイク、月初から毎日この動画を見ないとイク、まだ飽きない、あなたのCHOCOLATE CREAMは他の作品と違う、他の作品にはないエロがある。














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