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Credit to Artist: https://maryellenart.carrd.co/
Credit to commisioning Patron: @turtool 🤗

Writing Updates:

For my sanity and to get a little breathing room, I will be altering my posting schedule just slightly starting next month. I will be sending out a poll shortly after this post to get y'all's buy-in/opinon on the two options that I'm considering.😁
<Again, no change this month!>

Second story:
I am almost ready to share the first chapter of the other "potential" story for me to rework on the side, but I like it much less, so it has a heavy lift to be the one chosen. 🤣

Long and short, I want to rewrite one of my finished, one book stories in the next 6-12 months, and I'm soliciting y'all's feedback on which it should be. 😁

Expect that chapter and poll in the next couple of months (maybe sooner).

I am looking at getting another set of covers for the six books released (or to be released) this year.

While I really love the iconographic look of those we have, I have recieved a lot of professional advice that they might be keeping sales down, due to their nonstandard nature.

Toward that end, I'll be getting a set that is similar to the ones we have, but in a more "current" style for Prog-Fantasy. 😋

Book six will still release with a cover in the style we've been using, and the paperbacks will not be changed. (They will maintain the iconographic style.)

Personal Updates, skip at your leisure:

🥳🥳 New baby is here! 🥳🥳
She arrived on Saturday, and Momma and baby are both doing very well.

Somehow, the amazing image above captures our family rather well. 😆 I just hope number 5 (staring into the water) doesn't take any more unexpected journeys while we are otherwise occupied. (He likes to go on adventures...)

The older kids LOVE their new baby sister, and we are getting along splendidly. We are feeling full with 6 and quite content that this is the last biological member we will add to our flock.

In case you missed the last update, I am seemingly cancer free. Though they want to wait to say that officially until after my first follow-up scan in October. 🥳

Expect the Poll shortly! 😊




I absolutely love the current covers for the books and all the little details included in them that allude to the story inside, even for such a simple thing as how the background colour gets darker as the story progresses. That being said, I look forward to seeing what what you and the cover artist come up with. Also, I’d be interested to see what you would do for the covers after book 6 if they were still in this style since they would then be black backgrounds. Perhaps transition to red in honour of the Blood Archon? I’m not sure, but I’m looking forward to seeing them. And of course a huge congratulations on the newest member of your family!


Adorable image.. And good to hear you're in remission; also astounding that you managed to keep writing through it all.


Writing is a blessing and a joy to me. 🤷‍♂️ I honestly couldn't imagine my life without it. 😅 That said, thank you for the kind words. It really means a lot to be able to share my story with y'all! 😊

Karma Anor

Congrats on the baby and the diagnosis!