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Brilliant video! Thanks Dave 🔥


When the rhinox hide goes on, the chips turn into 3d shapes. Unbelievable

Andrew Steel (CMDante)

Beautiful work broodah! The transitions on the armour are super smooth and add so much natural volume. The chipping is also incredible and really helps create visual scale for the piece. Can’t wait for the next vid!

Jose Herraez

Awesome tutorial. I must, however, say I agree with many comments on the previous videos in that the in-app player is quite inconvenient, and much less useful than YouTube. I understand the reasons, but it would be great if you’d reconsider. Thank you.


Literally next level :). This is a great first vid - I think SW fans are going to go wild! Looking forward to seeing the sculpted details getting painted.

Barrie Watkins

Absolutely stunning result for that armour Dave. This will most definitely be my go to Wolf recipe

Matthias Busch

Brilliant paintjob. Lovely video. God the termis are just that good aren’t they?


Phenomenal, Dave. The sculpt is great as well, simple but perfect for a Space Wolf.

Carl Struwe

Well, that sure made me want to do some Space Wolves :D

Martin Grimstad Sivertsen

Thanks for another great in-depth tutorial Dave, you sprinkle inn a lot of very useful bits of knowledge in these. And seeing the entire process really helps demystify it for up and coming painters.


Amazing video! Can't wait for the next one. 🔥


Looks like I will be painting more wolves this weekend! Cheers, Dave for an awesome tutorial.

Nate Shaughnessy

Damn!! This is incredible. Thanks Dave!

Russell Davis

Watching this just makes me excited for when you do a Sautekh Necron scheme some day. I’d love to see the process there and the subtleties you can give it.

James Drake

Excellent video. When is the second part of the lion !!!?

Alexandre Benyahia

So satisfying to watch ! Your brush control is mesmerizing.

Chris Richardson

And yet, when I do it the chips turn into 2D lines next to lines of rhinox hide :(. Back to practising...


Hey man amazing work as always. I have an issue/question. When I try to highlight for the finer stages my paint on the tip of my brush keeps drying very quickly. Have you had a similar issue? I am using a wet pallete and I water down my paints decently well. Idk if its room humidity, brush size (using winsor and newton miniature size 0) or if my lamp might be drying my paint. Do you think I should use some product that could work? Like paint retarder or something? Thanks in advane and great work again :)

Michael Murray

Amazing, can't wait to try this at the weekend!

Elliot Newman

This is so gorgeous to look at is there a way this can be translated for dark angels blood angels ?


Hey Elliot. Yes I think it is achievable however with Dark Angels you have to be careful it doesn't start looking too light like a Salamander and with Blood Angels it can start to look a bit too orange. With both I would probably desaturate the highlights much more so instead of going for those really vibrant greens in the highlights go for something a bit more muted and the same for Blood Angels.

Elliot Newman

Awesome mate cheers for the advice don’t suppose you’d recommend on colours perhaps ?