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Hey everyone,

We hope you had a nice week! 

So this week's update is about PoseViewer and the Demo for the next game.


Well, we are working on the last 2 things: fixing broken necks and the final cumshot solution.

Broken necks look like that:

Necks seem to be fixed (just testing that right now), cumshots are still work in progress. I really hope we can wrap it all up before Christmas. 

Treasure Island first Proof-of-Concept playable:

With the first proof of concept (which we aim to deliver next week) and then the proper Demo I really hope to gain more attention so we can grow our community. Because we need more funding 😊 So this is really only a very early proof of concept. It is not the final Island, it is not the final outfits and so on. Really just a proof of concept. Can´t stress that enough 😉

What was important for us:

  • Get a nice vibe & feeling of what´s to come. Tropical Islands & Adventure! Yeah! 🥳
  • Early Environemnt to check how the perfomance is for you guys. We aim for 30fps. If you get that (with lower settings & resolution is also ok) then we are happy 😁Most UE5 games don´t run very well, that´s an Unreal thing. But they look great 😉
  • Teasing you with the Adventure part a little bit with an ancient Temple ruin 😎
  • Locomotion system working & looking good. Walking, running, sprinting, crouching, swimming (that needs more polishing) climbing, rolling, etc. etc.
  • Working Foot-Ik (feet adapt to the ground)
  • Camera working nicely so it´s not distracting
  • Basic User Interface
  • Basic Quest
  • Basic Dialogue
  • Photo-Mode with changing time of Day and weather (+Aurora!): That is a really big thing because with the Photomode you can create amazing "Photos". There are a lot of options there and the results are amazing. I hope that you will create & share some nice pics then 😉Spread the word everywhere!
  • We even have a working Save/Load system! That is also a big thing in such an early stage. 

There are literally hundreds of other things we did on that which would make the list too long. But for me it actually does already look & feel better than many other games. I am really happy with what we have achieved so far as a small team. And there is really a LOT to come in the future!

Of course Sex, shooting, hunting, enemies, Village & other Structures, proper Story & Adventures, Animals, Enemies, Magic, Customization, Vehicles, Diving, etc. etc. etc.

The plan after the first proof of concept playable is a proper demo with everything polished. A so called "vertical-slice". You will basically be thrown in the middle of a quest and get the full experience. 

Alright, that's it for this week! We keep working really hard to deliver the PoseViewer Update and then first playable of Treasure Island as soon as possible!

All the very best,




It'll be nice to see the cum system before Christmas, but I really appreciate the time you and the team take to fix the issues. Broken necks? Oof! 😬😆 Looking forward to that demo, too. Really want to see what's in store for this game, and hopefully come back to you with some helpful feedback to you all to make it a great experience! Thanks, PM and Team!


Can't wait, keep up the amazing work

Robert D.

Wow it’s looking like a AAA game. Great job so far. Just keep in mind (and this holds true for dev studios of all games) that if you try to make it too big and there’s too many complex systems at work then it could become a detriment to the game. Just be reasonable about what your team can achieve in the end. Sorry I wasn’t trying to be negative or anything. This all looks great tho and I’m excited to see more.


I totally agree! That´s why we focus on very basic things like locomotion first. Since you will be doing that most of the time, it´s important that it feels and plays well. And then, step by step, we add more stuff. But we are aware that we can't create the next GTA 😋 And I rather have a game with fewer features but therefore polished and fun.


Thanks! We really try to get it done as soon as possible. And thanks for your ongoing support and encouragement! 🥰

Robert D.

Well said 👌 Gotta make sure those walking and running animations are clean. Looking forward to Britney’s dangle and jiggle physics as well lol.


Absolutely! You and the team are most welcome! You all do the the stuff I only wish I could. But, I'm happy to pass on any ideas to you, and maybe there's even a good one yoy can work with! Lol.


Oh yes, input is always welcome! For the next game we will need a lot of input and ideas anyway. I want to develop features and things much more community driven then in previous titles.


Excited to check out the island! Glad to see support for other content like pose viewer also in the mix. I hope the new game gains traction, sooo much potential


Thanks, I too hope ti will gain traction once we have a first playable. Fingers crossed 😊


The polish of the games I think is where PM stands out as a dev team. All the interactive content is sturdy and feels complete


Regarding the demo are there plans to incorporate TI releases into the Patreon levels?


I’m sorry I worded it funny. Are there any plans to put out Treasure Island Demo, or test builds into the Patreon levels?


Oooh yes! we still have to think about how exactly we do that though. For now, we will release the first playable for everyone to hopefully get more exposure and funding.