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Previously we announced we were targeting a release of The Exile of Aphrodisia remake for Windows on Steam and Itch.io for the winter holiday season. Unfortunately we are planning on pushing back the planned release date to allow for some more time for new artwork to come in, particularly in regards to the UI.  This also gives us more time to do additional playtesting, and performance updates. As such we're aiming to either release in mid January, or failing that, by mid February in time for Valentine's Day.

We are working on adding some limited new content into this version of the game. One such feature that has been a late addition are Experimental Treatments available at landmarks with apothecaries. After BeingObscene drew such a fine chaotic goblin witch-doctor-scientist we just had to add in a bit of fun that can be had with her! Experimental treatments restore all party members' health, similar to how buying a round of drinks at a tavern raises all morale, though the outcome of the experiment is vary.

We have also added in a number of new scavenging results and changing the scavenging system to only repeat events once all possible events have been exhausted.

If you missed it, we also talked about how we added map segments into the game earlier.

We also still have some 25 beta keys available! If you're a patron and would like one, please make a request on this post from earlier in the summer.

In terms of other projects, we've also started work on a sequel to Exile that takes place a hundred or two hundred years after the events of the fall of humanity and the demons' invasion. We're still only just getting started on this project, so the screenshots and gifs posted above (every image beyond the first two) definitely aren't much to look at just yet, but are foundational work for a more involved, first-person-focused, open-world-ish adventure/RPG-style experience.





Ok guys, we appreciate your hard work and understand that your decision to push back the release date of Exile of Aphrodisia. Keep making progress! Best luck!

Sex Wizard

It would be fun to play the villain and spread corruption and change humans into beasts in future games.


The Exile sequel we're working on will be much more RPG-like and allow the player character to do things like this. I'll talk with April about the possibility of a morality slider or something when we discuss mechanics in depth later this month.