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Welcome to December 2021's monthly poll!

This month we are drawing from a selection of the community-suggested clients provided to us us on the Blue Fairy Media Games Discord server: https://discord.gg/evYaEgH3Gy 

We'll almost certainly be running this poll again in the future, so if you have any ideas for employees that didn't make it in this poll, feel free to leave your suggestions for next time as a comment or in our Discord server. Please follow the format below.

The top 1 winner will be added to the game. 1 of the remaining pre-determined employees from prior polls will also be added.


The prompt for employee ideas is below:

a) sex, gender, or changes thereof

b) First name (starting), First name (ending, if it has changed)

c) Completed transformation form

d) personality

e) short backstory

Please give a read through these and vote on your favorites!

Like with the artwork voting, $7 patrons will receive an extra 2 votes, and $15 patrons will receive 7 votes.  If you are in one of these tiers, lease post your vote (in addition to checking your vote here) on this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/voting-on-7-and-24262344



A) Female (ftf)

B) Gabby Brown

C) Dinosaur Girl Mutant 

D) Hot blooded, impatient, kind, dumb, strong, and driven by the desire of proving herself by being a kind and free spirited inspiration.

E) Gabby is someone who was given responsibility too early in her life, as a result she has incredibly frenetic cartoonish energy and she's an anxious nerd but she warms up to people a lot and seeks validation, a result of narcissistic parents.



A) Male --> Female

B) ?, Roxanne "Roxy" Matthews

C) Pink & white anthro deer

D) Really shy and timid at first, but as she progresses with her transformation she becomes a lot more confident with herself, as well as becoming more flirtatious (probably wearing progressively less modest outfits, too). Would probably be exclusively lesbian.

E) Realized she was transgender in late high school, and as a result was kicked out by her parents, which made it really hard to afford any kind of higher education or transitional stuff. Ended up going to a small community college that offered her a decent scholarship, and now she's fresh out of school and looking for employment. At the start she presents as female, but she hasn't been able to afford any kind of medical/physical transitioning yet. Applies primarily to have a stable job & save up money for her transition, but learning about the clinic also convinced her to maybe try using their services to transition. Probably gets the idea to go furry from seeing how some of the clients have turned out after a while?



A) male to non binary

B) Vincent, V3r-1ty

C) androginous android

D) Nervous and unsure, paranoid of their own health issues.

E) Vincent having lot of health issue seek to found a way to live life without being hospitalized as often and having the liberty to truly be who they want when they want and be useful to people.



A) female / androgynous

B) Melanie, Mel

C) Balloon person

D) Stern and business-like at first, softening as the player treats her with respect without sexism. Driven to get what she wants even as what she wants changes.

E) Ambitious scientist who has had to cover her natural attractiveness with a stern attitude to get respect in the workplace. Has a secret desire to not have to do so much extra work because of her looks, but also doesn't want to be ugly. At first wants to just be  more androgynous, but after she gets what she wants and gets the respect she deserves in the workplace (partially from the TF, partially from working in the TF lab with nonjudgmental people), she realizes that she actually enjoyed some elements of objectification. So she then wants to be a balloon person so she can be "an object" while still being an effective scientist.



A) Male to female

b) Nick, Hazel

C) Squirrel Anthro

D) Little bit chaotic but very neutral

E) Just enjoying life to the fullest, but always didnt seem right from birth. But now hearing that there is a way to someone different. 



A) female to male

b) Yuki to Yoshihiro

C) Goth Kobold Femboi

D) Bubbly and Excitable, preferring pinks and light frilly clothes to Punkish and Lewd with a taste for dark leather and latex 

E) Yuki Graduated top of her class at [Insert prestigious university here] and was always held up on a pedestal by her friends and her parents. Wanting to be something more than just a pretty perfect girl, she wants to be recognized for her skills. What better way to do that than to become the very thing her parents didn't want her to be, a Lewd punk gothic femboi with a fantasy twist to really drive the point home! 



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