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Download at https://judoott.itch.io/transformation-tycoon

New game features:

- Added a toggle on the crystal calibration minigame, "Lock on Key Down". When on, the Lock X and Lock Y button will lock IMMEDIATELY upon being clicked (mouse down). When disabled, they will trigger upon button RELEASE (mouse up, which has been their behavior up until now.) By default, this toggle is ON.

- The Lock on Key Down toggle is stored in player preferences and should save between game sessions.

- The autocalibration toggle is now also stored in player preferences and should save between game sessions.


- Charity applications now reduce a base of 5 infamy instead of 3.

- Charity Case now has two choices to accept charity applications. The first spawns ONE each (not two) of the existing MTF and FTM clients. The second choice spawns a single new charity client.

- MTF and FTM Charity Case clients no longer require month stabilizer crystals.

New clients:

- Added new charity client, a firefighter into a metal golem. This is a new option in the Charity Case random event.


- Removed duplicate Hein & Tossie $7,500 loan (in particular the second listing. If you had that loan taken out in your game, it will simply vanish--consider it loan forgiveness!)

- Fix for patreon/debug build 'finishupgrades' command to auto-complete transformation chamber upgrades not working.

- Accepting the charity application outcome in the random event should now immediately update the count in the UI.

- Fix for random events sometimes removing charity applications

- Fix for employee portraits at the bottom of the screen not updating in the morning after a change in season (summer to autumn, winter to spring)

- Fix for looping audio from the calibration and research not stopping upon quitting a game.


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