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I do plan to upload this to its own separate Itch.io project as I have for Exile of Aphrodisia and Bimbocalypse: Rise of the  Bimbies. For now you can nab it as an attachment on this post.

Debug/Cheat commands are only available to Patreon backer builds.

Debug commands (NOTE: Newer commands are at the bottom and are in bold.)

When entering these commands, do not add square brackets. Anything shown below in [] should be replaced with a specific value, such as a number for [amount] or the id of the application or event for [id].

Debug commands are case-sensitive.

Press ` to open the debug terminal.

// add fame

fame + [amount]

// remove infamy

fame - [amount]

// add infamy

infamy + [amount]

// remove infamy

infamy - [amount]

// add money

money + [amount]

// remove money

money - [amount]

// build new transformation chambers

chambers + [amount]

// remove transformation chambers

chambers - [amount]

// adds crystals of each crystal type

crystals all + [amount]

// add transformation crystals of specific type

crystals [crystalType] + [amount]

// remove transformation crystals of specific type

crystals [crystalType] - [amount]

Valid [crystalType] values:

fem - Feminization 

defem - Defeminization 

masc - Masculinization 

demasc -Demasculinization 

feral -Feralization 

inanimate - Inanimation 

shrink - Shrinking 

grow - Growth 

corrupt - Corruption 

purify - Purification 

personality - Personality 

fant - Fantasticalization 

merge - Merging 

week - WeekStabilizer 

month - MonthStabilizer 

year - YearStabilizer 

perm - PermanentStabilizer

// add client applications

applications + [amount]

// remove client applications

applications - [amount]

// adds a specific application into the applicant pool

application [id]

// automatically transfers all ordered crystals in inventory


// advance time in minutes (skips simulation)

minutes + [amount]

// advance time in days (skips simulation)

days + [amount]]

// researches all crystal types

research + all

// instantly completes transformation chamber construction/upgrade


// instantly moves to a location [tiers] higher than the current location tier

location + [tiers]

Ex) location + 2

// increases all hired employee morale

morale + [amount]

// decreases all hired employee morale

morale - [amount]

// increases all hired employee wage in dollars per hour

wages + [amount]

// decreases all hired employee wage in dollars per hour

wages - [amount]

// researches all crystals, moves to highest tier location, and gives high fame and infamy


// hires all non-hired employees

employees hire all

// fires all hired employees

employees fire all

// gives all hired employeex xp

employees xp [amount]

// spawn new random events

events + [amount]

// spawn specific event

events [eventId]

// reset random event queue

events clear



it seems that the 'finishupgrades' command is bugged. It's suddenly very selective about which upgrades get finished. It does let you pick new upgrades for other chambers if you enter it as if the previous upgrades have been finished, but it only rarely completes the timers. Mostly it converts them from the red upgrade kind into the blue client kind.


Thanks, I'll add this to my bug list and look into getting that fixed tomorrow.