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Transformation Tycoon V0.2.0 is now uploaded to Itch.io : https://judoott.itch.io/transformation-tycoon

New game features:

- Added some additional cheat/debug commands. Be aware cheat/debug commands will likely be made into a Patreon-backer-only feature in the future as is the case with Exile of Aphrodisia and Bimbocalypse: Rise of the Bimbies.)

- Implemented employee wage and morale morale system:

- Employees are hired with a starting morale of 1.0 and can range from a minimum of 0.25 to a maximum of 5. 

- Employee morale influences how quickly or slowly they develop their skills.

- Morale decays over time and is affected by the difference between their total skill levels and current wage. 

- Employee morale can be slightly increased by giving a raise or greatly increased by transforming them. Employee raises are always by $1/hour and can only be performed once per day per employee.

- Employees that are fired now lose .5 morale, have their starting salary be decreased by $3 / hour, and will lose 100 skill points in each skill.

- Employees with morale below .5 have a chance of quitting each morning. Employees that quit will have their morale reset to .75 but will also lose skill points.

New clients:

- Added two new infamy clients


- Tweaked client walk in and transformation result panels so they hopefully won't cut off the top and bottom text

- The auto-restock cost on the inventory panel should adjust immediately when a new crystal type is fully researched.

- Research speed bonus from employees caps out at at 25% of the original research speed top prevent "instant" research.

- Active employee transformation request icons should clear out immediately upon letting them out of a transformation chamber.

- Bugfix for research in progress not being sped up by the correct amount based on employee research and technology skills, allowing the day to end before research is completed and not logging that test subject in statistics


- Public Relations employees do not provide as large of tips

- Superb transformations multiple tips by 1.5 instead of 2.0

- Daily rent is increased for higher tier locations

- Employee levelup skill requirements has been increased at higher levels. High employee morale will help ensure they reach the high levels as or more quickly.


- Tweaked the client writer a bit so that the walk in, alternate request, and superb/good/disappointing/failure boxes no longer change the size of the text beyond 22 points. Text box height is doubled and scrolling within the box should be possible.

- The client writer tool now supports a "Synchronize last name with" option for generated clients, allowing for multiple characters in a client to share a common last name for the sake of married couples or family.

- The client writer tool now supports a culture group for generated clients. Setting this to a culture group will generate a name from a smaller subset of first and last names associated with the selected culture. Cultures currently include:










- Several existing clients have been updated to use culture groups

- Various typo corrections in clients

Old save files will NOT be compatible with this version of the game.


Debug commands:

Press ` to open the debug terminal.

// add money

money + [amount]

// remove money

money - [amount]

// build new transformation chambers

chambers + [amount]

// remove transformation chambers

chambers - [amount]

// adds crystals of each crystal type

crystals all + [amount]

// add transformation crystals of specific type

crystals [crystalType] + [amount]

// remove transformation crystals of specific type

crystals [crystalType] - [amount]

Valid [crystalType] values:

fem - Feminization 

defem - Defeminization 

masc - Masculinization 

demasc -Demasculinization 

feral -Feralization 

inanimate - Inanimation 

shrink - Shrinking 

grow - Growth 

corrupt - Corruption 

purify - Purification 

personality - Personality 

fant - Fantasticalization 

merge - Merging 

week - WeekStabilizer 

month - MonthStabilizer 

year - YearStabilizer 

perm - PermanentStabilizer

// add client applications

applications + [amount]

// remove client applications

applications - [amount]

// adds a specific application into the applicant pool

application [id]

// automatically transfers all ordered crystals in inventory


// advance time in minutes (skips simulation)

minutes + [amount]

// advance time in days (skips simulation)

days + [amount]]

// researches all crystal types

research + all

// instantly completes transformation chamber construction/upgrade


// instantly moves to a location [tiers] higher than the current location tier

location + [tiers]

Ex) location + 2

// increases all hired employee morale

morale + [amount]

// decreases all hired employee morale

morale - [amount]

// increases all hired employee wage in dollars per hour

wages + [amount]

// decreases all hired employee wage in dollars per hour

wages - [amount]

// researches all crystals, moves to highest tier location, and gives high fame and infamy



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