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Ilsuk Yang

Saffron is played by Christina Hendricks

Sherry Sink

I do agree that the beginning is a little slow. But I also wonder if they did that on purpose to lure us all into a false sense of trusting Saffron, by not letting us see her other side right away. That way we'd think, oh, this is all there is with this character; Mal's just going to help her or something. Until bammo! She kisses him and knocks him out, lol. Surprise! I love the humor of this episode. Jayne with his gun "Vera," lol, everyone making fun of Mal after finding out he was married, Kaylee calling him a monster (I love Mal's protest in response, "I'm NOT a monster!" Lol), Jayne saying "that's why I never kiss 'em on the mouth" (groan), Wash talking about how people sometimes juggle geese, Saffron rolling her eyes at Wash as he talks about how much he loves Zoe, the way Mal just stares at Saffron and walks away without saying a word after she offers to wash his feet (like, what can anyone say to THAT?! Lol!)... anyway, lots of funny in this episode. P.S. You're right! Saffron is a spice, and Wiki notes that it's widely used in Persian, Indian, European, and Arab cuisines.

Laura Shepherd

Christina Hendricks, who plays Saffron, is one of the main characters in Mad Men so you may recognise her from there (but if you haven't seen Mad Men yet you definitely should, it's amazing and would be great to react to... 😉)


“I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you” is one of my favorite quotes from the whole show lol. Another great ep!