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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Chloe Does Lucifer- Thank you very much for a fantastic reaction for Lucifer, Travis!! Overall... I really enjoy this episode. And I actually really like the case. Including how well it relates to Lucifer's latest dilemma upon it being revealed to him by Amenadiel, that to the outsiders who would come to his club to party, his life has become boring and predictable, as Lucifer then does whatever he can to prove otherwise to all of those around him, particularly to himself. Once again... Just as I feel like Lucifer's character back in this season's fourth episode, titled... What Would Lucifer Do?, Lucifer most certainly feels a little out of character throughout a majority of this episode. Not in a bad way. I feel like it's simply because... Like in What Lucifer Do?, Lucifer allows others to get so much inside his head as people are telling him that he's acting out of character in comparison to the Devil he used to be, that Lucifer tries a little too hard to try to become that person he is expected to be again. Hence... The reason I feel that Tom Ellis chose to play Lucifer so differently from how he always plays him in most other episodes. I hope this explanation makes sense. While Lucifer strives to be his own man because above everything else, Lucifer believes in everyone being deserving of being free to embrace free will, there is also a part of Lucifer who feels he has to maintain his image that most of humanity expects of him. Not the Devil, but just a man who has grown to be a man of excitement, pleasure, and everything Lucifer claims a "top hat" is. Claims he is. Because he is the Devil known for being an eccentric club owner. Therefore... Lucifer struggles very much to understand that it's okay to not always be the "top hat", but to be a shoe every once in a while. Especially around those he cares about most. Just as he learns from Chloe, Trixie, Amenadiel, and from Linda all throughout this episode. As well as from one of their earliest suspects that Lucifer and Chloe interrogate at the precinct, which I will come back to momentarily... Two of my favorite scenes takes place in the very beginning of this episode... First... When Lucifer is seen lying down on the floor in a firelit room sounding like he's talking seductively to Chloe, only for us to see seconds later that he's only about to play Monopoly with Chloe and Trixie on a game night. It's adorable seeing him talking with Trixie as they're picking out their game pieces and seeing Lucifer choose the thimble, thinking it's a shot glass. Only for Chloe to correct him by telling him it's actually a thimble. He then attempts to choose the top hat until Trixie asks him for something in exchange for the piece instead. And it isn't until the next scene that it's revealed exactly what she wanted from him instead of the Monopoly money, or even real money like we are meant to believe at first he had given to her instead. I love how Chloe then mocks him and states that Trixie has slammed him. So cute!! Also... I love how Lucifer relates himself to the game pieces as he thinks he deserves the top hat over the shoe that Trixie suggests he take instead, as he adamantly objects because he doesn't see himself as a shoe, which becomes a big theme throughout this entire episode. Because he thinks that being a shoe is boring. Just like he sees the poor woman who has been killed until the very end, upon recognizing that the top hats are all nothing but phonies. And I absolutely love it! What a great way to carry the theme of this episode all throughout! In the next scene, that is also another of my favorite scenes in this episode... Lucifer is seen returning home from his game night, then is surprised to find his brother there once Amenadiel slams a book closed to alert him to his presence. I love how Amenadiel mocks Lucifer for enjoying spending time with Chloe and Trixie, and how he recognizes that Lucifer has allowed himself to become boring, after which Lucifer then actively seeks out to prove otherwise upon falling into disbelief that his brother may very well be right that it's okay. I also love how it's revealed that Trixie's bargain with Lucifer leads to him having to allow her to paint a unicorn on his left cheek in exchange for the game piece. And it's hilarious when Amenadiel teases him about it and about him actually enjoying a quiet evening with two people he cares about, rather than spending a rowdy night with all the women and men Lucifer typically invites to his parties at LUX, or with his sexual companions. So funny! :) Also... This scene also reveals that Linda is off dealing with her ex husband's funeral arrangements after the events shown within the previous episode... Off the Record, which gives us an idea of the timeline between these two episodes. I really enjoy each of the scenes between Linda and Amenadiel once he leaves LUX to seek her out so he can try to offer her his condolences and help with anything she might need. Amenadiel is very good to her and offers really good advice to her, which by the end helps Linda to be able to feel less guilt over he ex husband's death and to realize she isn't to blame for what happened between them. I have grown to love Amenadiel more and more, even though I have always liked his character for different reasons. But I really love Amenadiel now that he's working to help those he's grown closer with... Mostly Lucifer and Linda now too. Now, back to the main storyline throughout this episode... I love how Lucifer goes out of his way to try to prove mostly to himself that he isn't a shoe and that his life hasn't become boring, given that he still loves to have fun times like he's always done, as he sees a number of the suspects in their case as people like him. People who are anything but boring, only to become disappointed when it's revealed they are all frauds, including the face of the company who was only pretending to have created a dating app, which the killer has stolen from its true creator upon killing her for it. Chloe's attempts to try to be Lucifer as Lucinda in order to catch their initial suspect is hilarious, and are even sometimes painful to watch. However, I love the moments Lucifer tries to help her channel her inner Lucifer so that she can go undercover to draw out their killer, only for her to realize it's better to just be herself and trust her own instincts. I especially love the scene between Lucifer and Chloe when he's trying to teach her how to be him through help from Trixie's Barbie dolls, and seeing Lucifer channel his inner Chloe through roleplay. So funny! I really enjoy the end of this case upon Lucifer and Chloe both winding up at the killer's place for two different reasons, only for them both to come to an understanding between one another that the face of the app is really the killer. And I love how they both work together to find the murder weapon used, only to come face to face with the killer when he points a gun at them upon figuring out they are there to arrest him for murder. What a self absorbed phony. And total waste of the perfect pun. :) It's painfully hilarious how easily Lucifer is able to trick this idiot into allowing himself to be apprehended by Chloe, as he picks up the bust of the killer' s head upon threatening to smash it as he throws it to the guy, who stupidly chooses to save it instead of keeping hold of his gun he has trained on them to protect himself. But then... The killer is certainly full of himself, and that doesn't make him or people like him all too smart. :) Most of all... I really love how Lucifer comes to understand that a person he might perceive as a "shoe" isn't always so boring like he initially believes throughout most of this episode, upon discovering that everyone trying to be "top hats" aren't always so glamorous like they make themselves out to be. And I love how Lucifer comes to feel that being a "shoe" isn't so bad after all, and how the end scene with him at his piano within his penthouse reveals that he's taken the shoe game piece from the Monopoly game as a new cherished keepsake. Because whether he really admits it to himself or not, Lucifer has grown quite a bit, and has come to appreciate the more quiet nights in and not having to always be the exciting Devil most people he's always surrounded himself with expect him to be. That it is okay for him to be a "shoe" at times as well. It's also really adorable when Lucifer attempts to convince his latest conquest to play a game of Monopoly with him, or to play with face paint instead of his usual activities with women. It doesn't happen, but it shows that he really has come around to appreciating the so called boring times in his life as well as his typical excitement. Earlier in the episode... Their suspect from the bar where Chloe seeks him out in an effort to catch their killer, makes a point of saying that he appreciated being with Kim (the woman killed) because she made him feel that he didn't always have to be who everyone else expected him to be. That he could still sometimes be himself. And while Lucifer doesn't look at Chloe in this moment, I do believe he recognizes for a brief moment that this is what Chloe does for him as well. Even though Lucifer then shakes it off and they just continue on with their investigation like he hasn't learned anything. I don't think Lucifer really understands exactly why the suspect's words made such an impact on him in this moment. At least not that he could really admit to himself, but you can tell that he does understand his words enough for him to be able to recognize that Chloe does allow for him to be more just himself... The good, kind, and gentle man we all know he is deep down inside, for him as well. At least by the end of their investigation. That she allows him to be more himself and helps him to be okay with being such. A subtle moment within this episode, and yet I absolutely love it! As for the scenes between Ella and Charlotte... I really love how Charlotte comes to Ella seeking her help in her efforts to become a good person. Ella really is the perfect person to ask for help, given how sweet and good she really is. And I enjoy the awkwardness between them, as well as Dan's awkwardness around Charlotte as well. Thankfully, in the end... Charlotte comes to make good progress upon understanding the importance of being sincere in her efforts to be good, and not through faking it. Plus... Charlotte announces she's taking on a new job to help the police with putting the bad guys away, so that she won't ever have to defend criminals or help them get away with murder ever again. Bravo to Charlotte!! In regards to why Charlotte still acts as clueless as Lucifer's mom in regards to humanity... It isn't that she's clueless about humanity in general, but on how to be a kind person. From season two's episode... Liar, Liar, Slutty Dress on Fire, where Charlotte is first introduced into Lucifer, we learn that Charlotte Richards had been a corrupt defense lawyer. Since then, and now upon getting to know Charlotte as herself even more than we ever knew of her then because we were getting to know her as the Goddess of All Creation... Charlotte has always struck me as a woman who grew up as a mean girl. Someone who was ruthless, unfeeling, and who was willing to hurt anyone she had to in order to rise up to the top. This is why I believe she wound up in Hell upon her death. And we see that with her now as she's been struggling to change her life for the better out of fear of returning to Hell, Charlotte is desperately seeking out all kinds of ways to help her understand everyday people and how to immerse herself with them when it doesn't come easy for her. She's always been selfish, and now she has to learn how not to be. Which is why she seeks out the most unselfish person she knows... Ella. And I really love this. Charlotte's character for me took some getting used to the first time I watched this show all the way through, because I was unsure about how I felt about her returning. But over time, I grew to really love her character. Not only as Lucifer's and Amenadiel's Mum, but also as Charlotte Richards, and I really love her character's story arc throughout this season. And lastly... Another of my favorite scenes is when Lucifer comes to meet with Linda again once their case is over, as Lucifer talks about what he's come to learn about himself from the case, and then how he kindly asks Linda how she's doing after she had taken some time to deal with her ex husband's affairs. Knowing that she's still reeling from the events between her and Reese, as well as from being hurt by the Goddess. I really appreciate how selfless Lucifer can be upon recognizing when those he cares about are struggling with their own troubles, showing how much he's really grown over the seasons in spite of his steps backwards and his slip ups. I also really love the quote Linda speaks from Oscar Wilde... "We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking up at the stars", and then how Lucifer states that he never would have fed Oscar this line had he known how irritated he would be upon hearing people constantly quoting it back to him. Indicating that Lucifer once had a relationship, or at least a fling and possible friendship with the man. I love how Linda becomes intrigued to hear more about Oscar Wilde, and seeing Lucifer become eager to talk to her about his experience with the man. I would absolutely love a flashback episode where we see Lucifer interact with a few of the famous people we've come to learn he has spoken about having known in various ways in his long, long life. Oscar Wilde, William Shakespeare, Hitler, etc... I would be very curious to see how Lucifer knew each of them, and if whether or not he ever showed his Devil face to the infamous monsters throughout history like Hitler, in order to punish them. Overall... This is a really fun episode and I really enjoy it a lot! As well as your reaction for it, Travis. I am happy that you seemed to really enjoy it a lot too. So, thank you once again for your reaction, my dear friend!! Sincerely, Heidi

Ilsuk Yang

"Sploosh. Do you like to sploosh?" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Oh Chloe

Sherry Sink

Chloe being Lucinda stirs up my second-hand embarrassment. Oh man... I was so glad when she switched to being herself! (But Lucifer and Chloe practicing with Barbie dolls was pretty funny, and I love Lucifer becoming "Lucinda" to help her visualize the party, lol) I especially like the scenes between Linda and Amenadiel. For her to tell him she wished she'd never met any of them... my heart was breaking for her. Like you noted during the episode, it must be very difficult to know the truth about something so complex, especially when there's no one else around you that you can talk with about it. (Chloe doesn't know, and the others who do -- Lucifer, Amenadiel and Maze -- are all angels or demons so they're part of what she'd want to talk about with someone. I love the beach scene when Amenadiel points out that Linda still has a ton of questions and doesn't really know EVERYTHING. It was a sweet exchange, and a definite vibe between them, for sure! My other favorite parts are the Monopoly game at the beginning of the episode (heeheee) and Lucifer's chat with Linda near the end of the episode, when he starts telling her about his tryst with Oscar Wilde... I also really liked that he paused to genuinely ask Linda how she was doing. I'm not sure the Lucifer from season 1 would have taken the time to do that. Maybe after the fact, but he was usually having too much fun to stop and get serious. So to see him ask her how she was doing after the death of her ex-husband and after all the emotional struggling (having been almost killed by Lucifer's mom, and by knowing about the truth of the divine), it's so gratifying to see Lucifer's growth as a character. It's happening in subtle, organic ways within the show, while he's still essentially himself (party guy, a bit arrogant, lol, etc.). They don't make him change to ridiculousness. He's still the guy who doesn't ever want to be thought of as boring. ;) Honestly, I don't think he'll ever have that problem. P.S. You asked where Tom Welling was... I think they gave him some time off from an episode or two so it would make sense that his character was still healing from that gunshot wound? Another reason I like the Lucifer writers. They don't skip over stuff. It makes sense that he needs some time away from the precinct to get better, so we haven't seen him.

Sherry Sink

My favorite line in this episode came from Lucifer: "What's your point, Daniel? I got so good at flipping men, they called me the Skillet." LOL! I do appreciate that they don't focus Lucifer being with women only. They've shown since season 1 that he has had encounters with men as well, and has no issues talking about his exploits in great detail (lol). "Ah, Raj... so fit." So for him to offer his services in their sting operation fit right in with his character, and I like that attention to detail. I also love his moral outrage at Daniel calling him 'normal'. Lucifer's all, HOW DARE YOU!? So funny. :)