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Chloe James Grant

omg im so excited!! Im all caught up and ive been so excited for your reactions! Can’t wait to see what thi episode has in store!!

Radha Karia

Thanks! This was so needed today!

Angel Garcia

Sandra Oh always brings me to tears

Tina Stewart

I like how they are making the aftermath of the shooting realistic. It’s taking time for everyone to get passed it.


"Did [Sandra Oh] win [awards] for this?" Got curious, to my surprise, not really. She's been nominated for a ton of things for Greys, including 4x Emmys for "Outstanding supporting actress in a drama series", however only won 2 individual awards (Golden Globe: Best Supporting Actress - Series, Miniseries, or TV Film, Screen, Screen Actors Guild Awards: Outstanding performance by a female actor in a drama series, both 2005 [S1-first half S2]). She went on to receive a bunch of awards for her other works though.

Charissa Kay

Ugh! I can't get over how it doesn't matter how many times I watch, I still can't remember and track how some things happen! I'm literally watching this episode like it's my first time, and at the end wondering from here how the hell they get to wherever they do next! It is SO rewatchable! Lmaoo!


"I fixed her already, but nice speech." God I need a merideth, they're so cute

Cassandra Ryan

i love cristina and how layered she is. also, i love how much meredith cares about her. everyone needs a meredith to their cristina


The line from the patient’s husband “Would you let Dr.Altman tear apart your husband’s heart?” Whoa ! Also hope you’re feeling better.


40 per cent red flags is really generous of you when it comes to Owen, lol Oh. And the guys talking about how amazing 120 miles an hour sounds. Lemme tell you, it's fun until someone comes up behind you, honking so you'll make room because they're doing 140. Life on the Autobahn 🤣

Shanice British

Show me a character in this show without red flags 😂 that’s always been my issue with this fanbase which is why I hope it ends after season 20. They’re quite hypocritical while shipping MerDer as if Derek isn’t toxic as hell along with Karev, Richard and even Mark. Christina is grown and also has her own red flags so it’s on her if she’s ignoring his to handle her trauma 😩 This show has no perfect character which I love


Honestly, I could not agree more. IMHO Owen gets judged much harder than many other characters on the show. I haven't seen all seasons, but nothing I've seen him do comes close to the toxicity that some of the other characters - Meredith and Derek most definitely included. Heck, in this very episode Derek refuses to take accountability for his own actions and blames his wife. Derek behaved recklessly and got himself thrown into jail, yet he keeps saying Meredith is at fault for him having to spend the night there. Yeah she didn't bail him out, but it's his own fault that he was in there to begin with. Can you imagine how people would have reacted if that was Owen and Cristina? People are free to dislike Owen for sure, and sometimes we just feel more for some characters than others, but he's definitely not a worse person than any of the others. On the subject of other characters being jerks, Bailey was entirely out of line in this episode. Alex needs to deal with his trauma in his own way, and she had no right to force him to have the bullet removed just because it makes HER feel better. She coerced him into having his body cut open to remove that bullet - arguably that's physical abuse/assault. I love Bailey but I really disliked her in this episode. Which is how I feel about Owen in general. I love him but sometimes I dislike him. And that's all I'm going to say about it for now. I'll save my real pro-Owen rant some other time. Cheers.

Shanice British

Thank you and I’ll never care much for people reacting to the show to can’t stand Owen. My issue will always be how disgusting the fans get online and in the actors comments over a character. Derek was sleeping with Meredith while still being married and was a jerk to her before they got married and when they got married yet the fans are still all about MerDer which to me is pretty toxic af. I just hate the hypocrisy because Bailey was a mess to them in earlier seasons also and Alex was also a d**k but oh Owen and his red flags 😂 I don’t get it at all. All these characters got red flags that’s why we love him. Christina got red flags along with even Richard so bffr 🤣 They’re not meant to be perfect because no one’s perfect. I stopped watching the show after season 16 but like you said I love them all but hate certain things that do and that’s okay. Cheers 😄