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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Dark Hollow- My gosh... I am such a fan of Emma and Hook!!! Don't get me wrong... I absolutely believe that Emma's focus and goal should most definitely be on saving Henry from Pan, and I really hate all love triangles because they're always ridiculous and annoying. And this triangle between Neal, Emma, and Hook is no different, just like the love triangle between Mary Margaret, David, and Kathryn was back in season one. But I will say... Aside from the brief moment between Hook and Neal as they're fighting over Emma with lighter in this episode, I feel like this show handles the triangle between these three characters surprisingly so much better than it could have been handled. And far more so than they are for the other characters in which love triangles are created between. Yay team Hook!!!! :) And with all this being said... The beautiful scene between Hook and Emma, as Hook proclaims to Emma he will win her heart... Absolutely beautiful and breathtaking! :) And it is by far my favorite moment in this episode. I just love them so much, and definitely so much more than I like the idea of Emma and Neal together. Killian tells Emma that he believes he will win her heart without use of any trickery, and he tells her he has absolute confidence that she will succeed in saving Henry, then that's when the fun will begin. I love it!!! I absolutely love his confidence and complete belief in her, and that he helps to give Emma so much more strength than she sees in herself. So perfect. :) Just as I love Emma's responses to Hook too. She is strong and says she is only focusing on saving Henry, which I really love and absolutely respect. Because Emma could very well choose neither Hook nor Neal. However, it's clear that she is also pretty surprised by Hook telling her the truth about Neal with him being a pirate, and especially because he was hoping their kiss meant more to her than she realizes it did right now. I'm very grateful that Emma expresses her gratitude to Hook for him being upfront about Neal still being alive, in spite of the possibility that she will choose Neal over him. And Emma is grateful for Hook's confidence in her. From the look on her face while he's talking, it's clear that his words mean a lot to her. Just as I feel her words mean a lot to him as well. :) As for Hook talking to Neal about his shared kiss with Emma... Hook does tell Emma that he believed Neal had heard his secret about sharing their kiss and his proclamation of love for her. I mean... It stands to reason that he should have, given that it appears everyone heard everyone's secrets. And Hook certainly doesn't brag to Neal about it out of spite or to rub Neal's nose in it. Some fans of this show, especially those who prefer to ship Emma with Neal over Hook, feel that Hook says this to be mean towards Neal. Or to be petty. I don't think this is true though. I feel that Hook mentions this in order to try to help ease the tension between them all. I feel strongly that Hook is honestly apologizing and hoping there will be no more problems because of a woman coming between himself and Neal. Problems like Hook had with Baelfire all those years ago about their fight in regards to Milah, Neal's mom, shown in season two's finale... And Straight on 'Til Morning. Because Hook does genuinely care about Neal too, which he's proven more than once. Hook honestly believes that Neal had heard his confession about kissing Emma in Echo Cave and wanted to help him to understand. Nothing more. I firmly believe this. However, this conversation causes the friction between Hook and Neal. Which I do understand in spite of the poor timing. However, like I mentioned above... I also honestly hate the whole childish argument between them inside Dark Hollow as they fight over the lighter, which is really stupid because they're fighting over Emma as Hook later tells her. I really wish the creators and/or writers of the show would have left this moment out. Fights like this are just childish or petty arguments between people, and they're one of the biggest reasons for me hating love triangles in shows. Including in Once Upon a Time. Because they write these petty arguments in, simply for the ridiculous drama. And yet... I love the moment when Pan's shadow suddenly appears along with the others, then swiftly picks up Hook and Neal as they begin to rip out their shadows to kill them as well. Thankfully, Emma saves them upon finding the strength within herself to light the candle, which then pulls Pan's shadow into the coconut and saves Hook and Neal. Also... I absolutely love how Emma screams out Hook's name in fear when he suddenly is taken by the Shadow, and yet she didn't cry out Neal's name. I'm sure this doesn't mean anything, and that Emma doesn't really not cry out Neal's name like she did Hook's because she doesn't care about Neal as much anymore. It was most likely an oversight on Jennifer Morrison's or the writers' parts, when she most likely ad libbed screaming Hook's name. However, I do like to believe she cried out Hook's name because she too has begun to care more for him in return than she's willing and able to admit at this point. :) Next... I also really love David's and Mary Margaret's scene together when they're off finding Tinker Bell again, when Mary Margaret continues to ignore David, until she finally breaks down and yells at her husband for his choice in keeping quiet, then tells David she would happily choose to stay in Neverland with him if she must. This moment is quite beautiful too. I have loved Snow and Charming since the beginning and they are definitely one of the main reasons why I love Once Upon a Time so much. So, I am so happy they have worked out their differences, and that they're on the same side once again. This scene is definitely another favorite moment for me. Because I absolutely understand both sides of their argument. And when you can understand both sides of an argument, this makes said argument between any characters much needed, and they're not at all annoying. As for the Storybrooke storyline... I really love seeing Belle and Ariel working together. Their scenes together are so much fun. And I absolutely love the reveal of Pandora's Box through Gold's spell's effects, when Belle uses the sand dollar to find Pandora's Box hidden beneath the floor in Gold's shop with Belle's chipped cup because it is a symbol of their love. Beautiful! Gold is a genius for sure. :) In regards to Belle using the magnifying glass to summon Rumple's message to her within the enchanted sand dollar... I think she knows to use it because she's seen Rumple use the magnifying glass often to study the magical items in his shop, and she most likely figured that he had enchanted the magnifying glass to help him see the magic within the other objects in his shop. This is just my guess, but it makes sense to me. Ariel is adorable and Belle's love for Gold, as well as his belief in her love for him is very sweet too. And it's cool that Ariel has brought Gold and Regina Pandora's Box to hopefully defeat Pan. We'll see how that goes for them. As for Henry's storyline with Pan and Wendy... I have to honestly say that I don't really care for this storyline too much. But I do somewhat understand it. Up until this point, Henry's been fine for me this season so far. But more so within this episode, Henry has begun to act more foolish than strongly or bravely. He shouldn't be naïve enough to believe anything Pan's telling him, especially now knowing that his family is here in Neverland for him. And he certainly shouldn't run off into the jungle all alone not knowing what all is out there. And yes... Of course Pan knows Henry would follow after Felix. Henry really should know everything is a play on Pan's part. Nonetheless... I do like the reveal that Wendy is the one trapped inside the other cage and that the boys in Storybrooke are her brothers, John and Michael, who have grown quite a bit older than they were back in season two's part one finale... Second Star to the Right. And Pan once again is very tricky and cruel to her by convincing her to trick Henry by lying to him about being sick because all magic on this island is dying. And it is interesting to meet John and Michael in Storybrooke. I absolutely love that they aren't patsies like Greg and Tamara were, which alone makes them so much better than Greg and Tamara ever were. And thank goodness too!! However, they are still foolish enough to believe Pan will actually free Wendy if they succeed in stopping Belle and Ariel, which I didn't like. And yet I understand that they are simply desperate to help their sister. And then... I absolutely love the dynamic between Gold and Regina within this episode and the previous episode... Ariel. And I love that Gold calls Regina out on her jealousy she feels upon seeing Gold seemingly happy upon being in such a relationship with Belle, while she's still feeling so miserable and alone. And lastly... Once again, I love Pan. No one could play him better than Robbie Kay does and he's absolutely brilliant!! A master manipulator. He's most definitely the main reason why I was quickly okay with seeing Pan as a villain in Once Upon a Time, rather than as a hero like I would have expected. I love Robbie Kay as Peter Pan! Overall... I really enjoy this episode a lot! In spite of its few flaws in my opinion, that I don't really care for in it. However, the scenes that I love, especially the beautiful moment between Hook and Emma, make this show that much more loved for me. :) So, thank you again for another great reaction, Travis! Until more Once Upon a Time, my dear friend... Sincerely, Heidi

Cassandra Ryan

it's insane to me how little chemistry emma has with any of her love interests. makes me zzz as a whole this episode isn't my favourite but ariel/belle are so cute


No chemistry?! HAHAHA. That's absolutely wild! Trav, are you just jealous you weren't kissing him? Cmon now! That's just silly. Emma and Neal have little to no chemistry.


At this point in the series, I feel like Neal is a safe choice as a love interest for Emma. Safe is boring. Once they sorted out their issues, it would probably be easy to go back to loving each other and being happy as a little family with Henry. Hook is a risky choice. He is making honorable choices now, but he has a history of looking out for his own interests. He is a pirate and whether or not he is actually going to change is up in the air at this point. That being said, the chemistry between Emma and Hook is much more exciting, probably because of the risk and the newness. It wouldn't be am easy relationship, but nothing worth fighting for is ever easy. I'm definitely a Captain Swan shipper lol