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Thanks Siobhan and Jade for sponsoring!


Lacy Hause

Holy crap, I just freaked out! I have been waiting for this! Thank you so much!!

Jade Coulthurst

You're welcome! I'm already watching, look forward to see whole reaction.

Kyla B

omg, i'm so excited for you to watch this season!


I love that we can now read and leave comments while the video is still playing ❤️

Heather Anne

As is often the case with Glee, the music was fire and the plots were a mix of sus and absurd.


Idc what anyone says, Sue makes me laugh the most out of everyone on this show 🤣 thank you Jade and Siobhan for sponsoring!

Annie Willow

I agree, they are definitely too young to get married and I said the same thing about Rachel and Finn. Blaine is still in high school and even though he is going to graduate in a few months (the timeline for season 4-5 is wibbly wobbly timey wimey) he doesn’t know what he is going to do after he graduates yet. Kurt and Blaine are in different stages of life right now. Blaine hasn’t lived away from his parents yet and he thinks he is ready to jump into marriage already. Yeah, I think not. At least Kurt has had some time living away from home and having to take care of himself. Ugg. They can get back together but just take it slow. See where this goes after Blaine’s graduation. Blaine can move into another apartment in NYC but not the loft. Give them time to grow as individuals as they grow together. Then maybe, maybe get engaged.


Why was Glee always trying to push teen marriage so hard?


I agree that the proposal was cute, but it became so hard to root for them after multiple cheating storylines. I guess marriage was a good solution to all their unaddressed problems.

Siobhan Linehan

So glad I co sponsored this season with Jade. It's my favourite season of the show, it really is ridiculous and it only gets more crazy but I love that. 😂 The Kurt and Blaine situation is a tricky one. Knowing what I know about where the storyline goes makes me think differently about it then I did the first time I watched it. Of course I won't say what I mean by that. But I did love the song, for sure. And I agree that these two Glee Beatles episodes made me appreciate The Beatles music more. I'm also not really a fan of them but the Glee covers are SO good. I'm really glad you loved Rachel singing Yesterday, that's one of my favourite performances of hers too. Her softer voice is gorgeous and when she goes into that higher growling note I get chills every time. Lea is such a talent. As for the Artie and Kitty thing, I love them together. People have mixed opinions which of course is fine, but I think they have really good chemistry and I like their journey this season. The stuff with Sue in this episode just cracks me up. I mean in real life she'd literally in prison for all the crap she's done, never mind being principal of a school lol. But she's so hilarious that I don't care. 🤣 And I totally agree about Sam, his hotness increases every season. 🔥 I look forward to the next episode, specifically your reaction to a certain person who shows up. 👀


Love the Beatles, love this episode. Definitely have the same conflicting feelings about the Kurt & Blaine engagement. I love them as a couple and LOVE that last scene with the whole big production plus Blaine's speech 😭 but also agree they're way too young! My understanding is that the creators (maybe Ryan specifically?) wanted to write this story line because of the current events surrounding marriage equality rights in the US that was going on at the time - which they referred to briefly in the cafe scene in 4x21. Like Siobhan, my opinion of it now is colored by how I know the story progresses, but regardless I am very excited to witness your season 5 journey - it is a RIDE. Thanks to Siobhan & Jade for sponsoring! 💛


I mean. It’s an engagement. It’s not the marriage. Engagements can be very long….

Jade Coulthurst

So, my opinion on this one. Firstly, I LOVE the Beatles, and this episode reminded me why and how much I love them. Every cover was great in this episode, and my particular favourites were the Kurt/Blaine duet near the start (think it's one of my favourite duets of theirs tbh) and the final song ofc.

Jade Coulthurst

Secondly, whatever I feel about Sue personally, she never stops being hilarious. Poor Figgins though. I'm just glad he's still in the show. Somehow, I think I'd miss him if he wasn't there. Being a Beatles fan, I must say Blaine as Paul McCartney is really spot on from old videos I've seen of the Beatles in documentaries and stuff. I mean, he even plays the guitar left handed and does the little head wobble like him. And I love the girls being all fan girly. I work with a client who loves the Beatles and he praised that whole performance with all the guys, and the girls dancing in front of them - 'When I Saw Her Standing There'. Rachel and Santana at the top of my head, have only duetted 'So Emotional' by Whitney before together. I may be wrong? That's definitely the one I remember anyway. And as for the engagement, yes, I agree they are too young and should wait to live together, have more experiences together etc. But tbh I would've found it goddamn hard to refuse that proposal. I mean, Blaine - more Darren Criss really, haha - is probably the only one who could pull of a yellow suit and not make it look awful, sings like a dream, and those EYES ... I mean. I think Blaine is just very insecure, especially after losing Kurt from his own misdeeds, and believes the big gesture is all he needs to do to solidify them. But when you mentioned promise rings or commitment rings or something as an alternative, I actually think that would've been lovely. And then they could have gotten engaged once they'd been together longer and were a bit older. But then again, that's my opinion, and ofc marriage young does work for some people. And watching this time, I do actually wonder whether Burt's comments made a impact on Kurt saying yes - as well as adoring Blaine ofc - when he was saying how he'd wish for a few extra moments with his late wife and wish they'd met younger. At the end of the day, you never know what is going to happen. It's a tricky one for sure. You can definitely argue it both ways. The first time I watched the proposal scene, I did get a bit teary because overall it was so cute, and like I said above, it would be hard to say no. Look forward to the rest of the season reaction. It's a crazy ride for sure, but just go along with it and enjoy, laugh and cry. :)


Why does being engaged mean they have to immediately get married? Doesn’t being engaged just mean that I want to marry that person someday? I thought it was interesting that they had Burt be against it at the end of last season and then they had him be ambiguous about it this season. I think this is so much harder given what Kurt and Burt have gone through. Anyways my point with my post was that just because they are engaged does not mean they have to get married right away. These two episodes definitely gave me a new found appreciation for the Beatles. Unique was acting all crazy during the I Saw Her Standing There because the girls were mimicking actual Beatles fans. I loved that they went that extra mile for that song and as others have said Darren was playing a left handed guitar because Paul McCartney is left handed. There were some interesting fashion choices this episode. That being said I love Kurt’s purple and green outfit. I also love Blaine’s yellow and black suit. I really love Kurt’s Blue suit.


the only thing I want to know from this episode alone is how the heck kitty got the pencils and notes to stay up on the celing and how no one noticed that she did that... or at least that they were there in the first place.... Also with rewatching Supergirl I've now noticed that the producer or director of funny girl is Max Lord from Super Girl... and I see sebastian smythe as both sebastian and barry allen now since the actor plays both characters same with Marley who played Super Girl...


I mean just because they got engaged young doesn't mean they would have a wedding right away... that could happen years down the line...

Jennifer Sauer

The producer / Max Lord is also the dad of the Cullen clan of vampires in the Twilight films. And Mama Cullen is Alex Karev's Jane Doe in Grey's Anatomy.

Jennifer Sauer

It's obviously too soon for them to get married and I don't condone cheating.... but it was not "multiple cheating storylines" for Kurt & Blaine. - Sebastian flirted with Blaine and nothing happened. - That music shop guy flirted with Kurt but it never went beyond cheesy cliche pick-up line texts It was really just the facebook guy Blaine met that one time.

Capri Zonica

Thanks to Jade and Siobahn for sponsoring this! I think Santana and Rachel had a couple of duets like So Emotional, A boy like that from West side story, mhhh... I kissed a girl, We found love, and not a duet but a trio including Quinn with Love song. A couple of more duets to come.

Alex Sivori

Yeah my wife and I got engaged when we were... 19? We were kind of in the same boat as Burt tbh. She asked me to marry her and when we have our vow renewal I'll ask her to remarry me (she doesn't know lol) but yeah I get it Blaine is still in high school. And they're still figuring themselves out


I legit had never heard a Beatles song before watching glee. Now whenever i have nothing to watch i come & watch these 2 Beatles episodes.