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clicked so fast 😂, great way to end my college classes today


ohhh man i can feel the finale looming over me & getting nervous about how fast we're getting to it 😂

Edgerrin Brown

I’m curious , if anyone is watching grey’s anatomy for the very first time with Travis , how much are you liking it? On my 14th rewatch with him. My favorite show. We’re so close


I'm with ya, I like know the script at this point lol

Jeanette Dawe

I only watched it one time all the way through before Travis. I was late watching t because I didn't believe all the hype it got but I love it. It is great seeing all these character;s and stories again.

Portia Crain

I never watched past Georgie dying (I was pissed and sad and 8 months pregnant) but I am loving this season its phenomenal.


Oh crap you're right that is Darlene! I'm a hardcore Darlene and David shipper they were my favorite part of that show.

Radha Karia

Def one of the weaker eps I think of the season maybe cuz this season has so many bangers!


These kind of eps are gonna be hard for me cause my dad took his life a couple of months ago, but knowing he’s not suffering is the only relief I can get out of it


Fun fact, I've been tracking our watching of Greys on the TV Time app and after this episode you only have 300 more to go to completely catch up haha.

Fabiola Barrios

Petition for you to have a sign for Jackson Hahahaah. I'd be his Cindy lou too 🫠💖

Fabiola Barrios

This is probably my 5th watch, but somehow feels like the 1st one. Which couples (from the ones already developed) do you guys ship?

Kayce Daniels

I watched this once when it first came out and stopped around season 5 or 6 so I think im blind watching starting toward the end of 6 or beginning of 7


Regarding the woman who wanted to die, most people have no idea what it means to be in constant pain, to the point that it's not even living anymore. I suffer from an illness that causes me chronic pain. There is no cure for my illness, but luckily a saint of a doctor found the right therapy for my pain. Because after a few months of having nothing but pain in my life, day after day, death didn't seem such a terrible option. Medicine can do a lot, but it can't do miracles. So I'm with that woman: at least she decided to die while she was still herself.


Owen was wildly inappropriate this episode, but, I get why. Imagine having your hands be the difference between life and death for your good friend, you let them die at their request and then moments later safety arrives. I'd be crushed and easily triggered by similar situations. That being said, he needs therapy sessions every other day atp. It's affecting his work and relationships too much, cristina deserves a better partner. She loves hard and it's brilliant, she needs the same in return.


I’m kinda with you on Owen in that he just rubs me the wrong way! He completely infuriates me this episode!! I do think he deserves understanding and support while recovering from his PTSD, but the fact that he inserted himself into that poor couples worst day and made it all about himself is so far from ok! He was a terrible doctor the whole day, didn’t even apologise when he realised he was wrong or be reprimanded at all! This was a heavy episode all round I think … now, where’s my wine? 🍷🍷

Mishel Yanik

I had to laugh when you said “5 am!!!” Lol That’s what time I have to get up everyday to be at my job.

Nikki S

Talking about physician assistant suicide. My grandma is in a hospice center here in Michigan where we sadly don’t allow it and if she were able to travel she would’ve had it done and just being at the hospice place I have overheard multiple families talking about it and their mothers or fathers wishing we had it here to end their suffering. Before becoming disabled I went to college in the medical field and we had to learn about this in our ethics for medical field class and it kills me to think of how much hate some people have for the idea. It’s such a hard thing for people to wrap their minds around I guess if they haven’t suffered physical or mental illness.

Nikki S

Same. I’m in severe pain 24/7 the last 10 years since I was 19 years old and the only thing that helps is opioids which obviously they don’t want to give us or aren’t allowed to give us anymore so they are cutting me off and unable to prescribe it anymore so I’m about to go through the lovely withdrawal period. thankfully I’m not mentally addicted just physically dependent so Its gonna be a rough week or two with symptoms but I have benzos to try and help some of the withdrawal. they do this to thousands of people, cutting them off cold Turkey. It’s awful. Healthy People have no idea what we go through. Sending love to you !! 🫶🏻


you’re not alone, a lot of the audience if you go by facebook, twitter and messageboards don’t like Owen. personally he’s my least favorite character on the show, i find him to be erratic and emotional abusive to pretty much all the women in his life. i do feel for alot of the stuff Owen has been through, my nephew got injured pretty bad when their humvee got hit and my dad certainly saw some disturbing things in war as well so i want to like Owen but i can’t. on a different subject, i felt so bad for Richard at the lunch table where they all clammed up. i get they respect them and it’s almost like hanging with your friend and your father but still, i wish they just eat lunch with him so he’d stop trying to be “cool” LOL