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And Ben warren has arrived! The gas guy*


this is a great episode, this may sound weird but I like ur laugh ur reactions always so good!

Krisa Barker

I love this show so much. This episode terrifies me cause soon I'm having surgery on September 15th and I'm scared now I will wake up in the middle of it! 😨 Anyways I love your reactions Travis so excited to get the the end of this seasons finally!! 🤗🤪


i loveeee this episode! ugh this season is just so perfect!!! new character ben, april is back! and alex in peds is sooo perfect too

Denisse Brito

I loved this reaction, you’re awesome Travis. :) I’ve had surgery 3 times, 2 for health reasons and 1 for a breast Augmentation, and during my breast Aug. I woke up. I kept my eyes closed and I felt some pain, which I made a sound about (I had an endotracheal tube, so I couldn’t talk) and the surgeon kept calm while I was put under again. My family and I metabolize medication pretty fast. I’m a nursing student so to me that experience wasn’t that bad, but a lot of people have trauma because of waking up during surgery. Surgery is pretty drastic but post op. pain has given me more trauma LOL


That monologue Cristina gives Owen is my favorite thing ever. I heard it after a toxic relationship ended and it was everything I was feeling. Sandra Oh’s performance was impeccable. Such a powerful speech and performance.

Tina Stewart

Finally, my guy Ben is here

Edgerrin Brown

April Kepner is back🙌. Was not expecting this today

Rory (TetraSheik)

I was put under for dental surgery and woke up hysterical once, and the second time I had an epidural and wasn't believed when I said it didn't work (had to be put under during a c-section and don't remember my baby being born). Turned out the needle was inserted wrong so it wore off, caused nerve damage in my back and might need surgery to fix as well. I felt so much for the woman who woke up.


This may be just me but I like it when a man aggressively kisses me like that 😏 As long as he knows do it the right way. You feel me?

Suzanne Hunt

Yeah, this episode was unexpected! April Kepner is back! Now I am able to tell you that April and Jackson are my favorite characters right up at the top next to Lexie and Mark! I feel that Christina has the crappiest romantic relationships on the show! First Burke's ego now Owen's! She deserves better!

Angelina Sargent

Yeah I think the show tried to make owen seem more passionate but he comes off really aggressive. I've actually noticed in other projects the actor has done too. It's a little concerning but I get what they are trying to do.

Angelina Sargent

My mom actually woke up mid surgery when she was having her colon taken out. I don't remember what happened after like with the hospital, I feel like I would remember if she sued but she said it was the scariest moment of her life. She said if was 7- 10 minutes before she could get there attention.

Elizabeth Williams

The kid you were wondering about is from Pretty Little Liars and Teen Wolf

Elizabeth Williams

I’m pretty sure you’ve probably seen him on Teen Wolf. He looked different to me as well. I only figured it out after my daughter became obsessed with him on Teen Wolf lol

Leia Smith

The kid Brad is Asher from All American

Pearltheodora Rose

Y’all keep on Freaking spoiling everything if the man says he hasn’t met a character DROP it

Kerrie Vincent

Christina’s speech about Burke was sooooo good! She’s such a great actor


this is one of the major reasons i can’t stand Owen… he doesn’t really respect her career and puts himself and his wants over it. i think it’s the same reason why previously with the merger he didn’t have her back or put her on his service, and even when she could do procedures tried to stop her or doubt her readiness. it feels like he’s threatened and competes with it, and this is an example of her letting him affect her work negatively for his own wants but when it is him, he wouldn’t ignore a page for Cristina.