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Imagine having to explain this episode to someone... "There's going to be a death in the family before they can have the wedding!" "Oh really? Is it the guy in the hospital? Or is it the guy with the terminal illness?" "Nope. Neither." "😡"


I was so angry as well but I think it's very in line with the theme of the show and I'm not gonna spoil it. But the last two episodes together are so great.


Yeaaah as I said; the last few episodes of LS are, well, heavy. I will be honest; I do not care for the way they killed Gabriel. It felt like it was done for shock value and I do not appreciate that. God it made me angry! It felt cheap as hell and brought a dark cloud over what is supposed to be a joyful occasion. Things were depressing enough with Wyatt and Robert, they did not have to kill off a good character too. :/


I'm so sorry we put you through this Travis 😭😭😭 Him getting shot really was so jarring and then the immediate transition to Carlos getting ready for the funeral as the realization of what just happened - AH - I don't understand the cruelty I just don't 🥺 Bracing myself for the finale reaction ! 🧡


I could totally be misremembering but when it originally aired I think there was a commercial break after Gabriel was shot. So there was even more time to be like what just happened. I too am sorry we put Travis through this and this is exactly why I don’t trust the writers of the original 9-1-1 or LS.


Rafa (Carlos) was so good this episode. The scene as Carlos is getting ready before the funeral with TK is so sad and beautiful. The single tear at the funeral and him being so stoic just kills me. All of the actors on this show are freaking amazing. That is why I have such a hard time picking favorites. I love all of them. I however agree with Travis that Carlos, TK, and Grace are my untouchables and I get so mad whenever the writers mess with them. It does lead to good stories though so I don’t stay mad for long. It just hurts so much worse when they are hurting. Lastly I have to point out that during the water save at the beginning of the episode there are moments when Owen looks like TK. I did a double take when I watched it the first time because I was like why is TK in the water.