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Yes Nathan Miller is the hot guy from bunker they show more in this season. He had bit part in S1 (he was the guard Octavia drugged to free Lincoln) but he pops up a bit more now. Clarke re-opening her stitches was both insane and impressive as hell. She does not mess around when on a mission. I also like 'adults' inclusion on Earth, as they add some interesting dynamics to the show. "Your life can be more than just impossible decisions and a tragic end." is one of my favourite quotes from this show. I think about it a lot in relation to a lot of fictional characters. Some really good writing there.

Yetzybeth Paolly Piedrahíta

This show is such a wild ride and I loved it so much! I just watched it last year and I’m on board again with you!!! This is my favorite season. This storyline was so out of the blue and SO compelling. Also, I must say that Clarke is one of my favorite female characters on TV. She is very brave and she faces a lot in this show. Can’t wait to continue watching.