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Siobhan Linehan

Such a great episode. I know what you mean about this season being very up and down, it really is. But the ups are so amazing that I can deal with the downs lol. I agree with what you said about Kitty's performance at the start, she was amazing! She's an interesting character. I started off hating her. How she treated Marley was disgusting, well how she treated everyone was disgusting, but throughout the season she's grown and changed so much and become genuinely likeable. To me anyway. And I definitely ship her and Artie. 😂 I'm really glad that Burt is ok, it was great to have him back. His advice to Blaine was so beautiful and I loved Kurt's song for him. Jake's performance is maybe my favourite from the episode, his voice and his dance moves are amazing. And I also loved Artie's performance, his voice is WAY too underrated. 💕 And I'm so glad you said Peggy Bundy, because every time I rewatch Glee I'm like "I recognize Artie's mum but I can't remember where from" but now I know. Of course she's Peggy. I can't wait for the season finale, the opening performance is possibly my favourite performance from the entire show. All I'm going to say. 👀 And I'm really excited for you to get to season 5 because that's when the writers really lose their marbles... 😂

Nicole Sadler

I recall loving this episode, and I love Stevie's music so that's perfect!! :D PS: I think it was episode 10 called 'Glee, Actually' where Burt told Kurt he had prostate cancer, and then they didn't mention it much until this episode. (That's Glee for ya lol!)

Angelina Sargent

I feel like they really messed up in regards to Kurt's like ocd stuff? Like was there a point to that? It just feels like it was never really addressed or acknowledged?

Norma Serrano Ibarra

Just want to say I screamed "PROTOZOAAAA" too hahaha the first time I saw it!