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Yeah this episode is a full on mess in my book. Love the last 2 of the season though!


I think they were halfway through shooting this episode when they had to have Cory's intervention. When they sent him to rehab, they had to toss all of the scenes he was in and just add filler. That's why this episode is such a disjointed mess. But the next two episodes are really good.

Siobhan Linehan

I quite like this episode. It is a bit disjointed, for the reasons shared above by Jennifer, but I still enjoy it. Ryder's story is really moving. I also hated the response of Sam and Artie but that was put in there to show how often sexual assault against men isn't taken seriously. Teenage boys like Sam and Artie acting in that way was to make the audience think, which it achieves well. And I really do like Ryder, he's probably my favourite of the newbie characters. His voice is beautiful and totally underrated. And I think he's a very sweet and kind person. I think he deserves more credit. As always with Glee, I love how they still have a lot of humour in episodes with heavy topics. Coach Roz is hilarious, Figgins' speeches over the intercom cracked me up and Sue's song was very funny. And I also loved their version of We Will Rock You. The last song was good too. I agree with you about At The Ballet, that song is too long. It drags a bit. But I do love Rachel and Santana's big note. And yeah, overall I enjoy this episode. It's not brilliant but there have been many that are worse lol. I look forward a lot to the next one, it's my third favourite of the season. 😊


I like that we are starting to see the softer side of Kitty and why she built the walls and bitchy way she was. I hope they continue with this trend for her character development


I am probably the only that thinks the whole Chris and Darren thing when Isabelle was on the phone was a nod to the actors who play Blaine and Kurt. I know it ends up being Darren Aronofsky and Christopher Nolan. I like that they even have Kurt being like Darren who. It’s just a fun little scene.


So I’ve actually been at school when I was younger during a power outage before… school remained as it was we all just used our phones for lights… but when we went back the next day power outages rarely occurred again


I understand why they had Sam and Artie react the way they did to Ryder’s story. My biggest issue is that it was completely swept under the rug after the fact. Sure, people stood up for Ryder in the moment, but Mr Shue should’ve sat them down and had a talk with them about why what they said was inappropriate, and explained that sexual harassment and abuse is just as serious when it happens to boys as it is when it happens to girls. Maybe it’s addressed in the next two episodes, I honestly don’t remember.