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John buchanan

Such a fascinating episode and seeing these connections. Looks like you have started to come around on locke.


I love this group together, Hurley, Jack, Charlie and Sayid, they all have different personalities that really makes for a fun group. I absolutely love Charlie and Hurley together, they are just so much fun. And I know they leave it off with Charlie not believing him but I thought it was so sweet that Charlie told him his secret, other then him telling Claire and Jack & Locke finding out on their own no one else knows about it, so that was huge for him and shows their bond that's forming. A great fun fact, the box company that Hurley owned was the same one that Locke worked at.

Angelina Sargent

Yeah I was also gonna mention the connections from previous episodes... hurley owned the company locke worked at and last episode you noticed hurley on the news in the same room as jin. Lol also this is the point where people start to notice those numbers from past episodes. .. 4 8 15 16 23 42. Flight 815 and the safety deposit box was also 815. We have also heard those same numbers where people mentioned airplane seat numbers and stuff. It's really fun when you catch on to it. Also I love thinking about lockes thought process before he asks the pregnant bored woman who feels useless most the time, for help to build her a gift for her baby. It is the sweetest scene ever and with locke who believes in fate (and many things as he puts it) and a kind of destiny finds out it was Claire's bday it kind of reaffirms his belief in what the Island is doing for him.