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Agree! Agree! It's one of my very favorite Glee episodes of the entire series.

Annie Willow

I agree! All of the performances were FIRE! This is definitely one of the episodes I do not feel guilty loving!

Gemma Rivera

I fully agree that this is definitely an episode I come back to. It's such an easy rewatch and I love all the songs throughout. Jake is very underrated as a performer and I don't think that they utilize him enough. He is my favorite of the newbies because he can sing, dance, and act...a true triple threat. I also like that they actually did move the storylines along in a way that fit with the episode's theme. I like that Kitty is connecting more in the group and we can see that she's maybe not as hard as we thought. That Spice Girls number was awesome...I loved how they each fit the one that they were given...and Unique's adlibs in this episode were amazing. I loved the New York crew facing a difficult situation and seeing them come out of it stronger. Santana indulging Kurt with his boyfriend pillow obsession instead of judging him is a nice change of pace for her and I thought it was so cute that he made her a girlfriend pillow and that they were watching the Facts of Life together with them. Kurtana is one of my favorite friendships of the series. I'm also glad that they had Santana be the one to force Rachel to see what Brody was really up to. Rachel needs to make sure she gets tested just to be safe. I like the friendship that the three of them are settling into. It's one of my favorite dynamics of the show.


I also agree! This episode was STACKED. You either love or hate Creep! I agree it didn’t fit super well because who doesn’t love that song??? It ain’t a guilty pleasure just a pleasure. Honestly the season really takes off from here and I’m so excited for you to see what’s left of this season!

Jeanette Dawe

this is my favorite episode this season so fun

Siobhan Linehan

I'm really glad you loved this episode. It's my second favourite episode of the whole show, my favourite is still to come in season 5. But yeah this episode is fantastic!! I also loved all the songs. Blaine singing Against All Odds to Sam was beautiful, Darren did sing that completely live. And while I know how important it is to show that gay men and straight men can be just friends, I ship Sam and Blaine SO much lol. Like I really wanted them to be together, I still do. I think them going in that direction would've been more interesting, especially considering Sam was originally written to be Kurt's love interest before they changed that to Blaine. And they just have so much chemistry. I agree that Jake's performance was amazing, he's such a talent. And, as usual, whenever Lea sings I get chills. She's just better than everyone else for me. The guy playing Brody did sound good but Lea was another level. 🔥 As for the storyline of Jake wanting to sing Chris Brown, I'm on Jake's side here. I've always been a big advocate of seperating the art from the artist and Chris does have some good songs. And the same goes for actors too. For example Danny Masterson is in prison for r*pe but his character Hyde from That 70s Show is one of my favourite TV characters of all time. And even on Glee you have Mark Salling who did all sorts of messed up crap but I absolutely love Puck. And I personally think that's ok but many people disagree and can't seperate things. Both options are fine imo. It's interesting that they brought this argument into the show. The pillows were so funny but Chris Colfer HATED them. There's a behind the scenes video of him talking about how much he hated that whole storyline. But I don't know why because I think it was adorable lol. I look forward to more Glee soon. The end of this season is a bit 50/50 for me, it'll be interesting to see what you think. But I love season 5 so I'm very excited for you to get there soon. 😊

Nicole Sadler

It's so awesome that you loved this episode, and the songs were so good!! I couldn't remember if Against All Odds was in this or not, and I'm happy it was because I knew you would love it!! Darren puts so much emotion into his occasional live performances on Glee, and I'm happy they let him do that a few times!! :D

Jennifer Sauer

Yes, thank you. I feel on the whole it should be possible to separate art from artist (unless extraordinary exception permits it). The girls attacked Jake pretty hard despite the fact that he obviously is not condoning abuse. Their hyper aggressive response is honestly the hardest part of the episode for me to watch because their behavior is so polarizing.

Siobhan Linehan

I agree completely. They were way too harsh on Jake. But I think the show was just trying to portray how strongly different people feel about this argument. I see what they were trying to do there.

Jennifer Sauer

Agreed :) I also feel like Glee tends to go unnoticed in the way it tries to represent multiple perspectives on topics whether they're popular or not

Siobhan Linehan

Definitely, Glee shows different perspectives on difficult subjects all the time. That's one of the things that makes it such a special show. 🙂

Natasha Medina

I remember reading somewhere that they picked “Creep” because it was Brody that was Rachel’s guilty pleasure this whole time and that song was putting the truth of their relationship in the open. But they (the writers) know that song or the band isn’t at all a guilty pleasure.

Travis Manning

Sounds to me like a cop out reason because they knew it didn’t belong with the “theme” 😂😂😂

Haughtbreaker Nic

Mama Mia is definitely one of my comfort movies and I'm not afraid to admit it. When the spice girls were popular, it was one of those bands no one admitted to liking because their original target audience was young girls. The Chris brown storyline in this with Marley is very yikes, especially with Jake blaming Rhi for going back considering now we know about Blake Jenner (Ryder) abusing Melissa during their marriage and how difficult it was for her to leave. I also really hate that they gave one of my favorite songs to Rachel and Brody.


Only thing I disagreed with was Phil Collins being a guilty pleasure!


Yessss this is definitely one of my faves of the season for sure. Performances are so much fun!! There were 2 that I’ve been SO excited for you see- the Wham number with Blaine & Sam- OMG I knew that face from you was coming 😂 and of course Against All Odds. Darren, Darren. Give me all the Darren, please! I’ve heard Becca Tobin (Kitty) talk about watching that performance live while filming and just being in stunned silence. Some good some bad still to come from remaining episodes this season for me. Looking forward to it!

Emma Mellin


Ilsuk Yang

I've never seen it either. I saw the second one, though, because my friends wanted to see it. From what I hear, the first one was better

Angelina Sargent

I agree with your statement about radiohead... i would also like to make the same statement about spice Girls... I am not ashamed for loving the crap out of them. No guilt whatsoever.

Angelina Sargent

Yeah I had the same feeling with the whole puckerman scene wanting to make child pornography scene. Glee is kind of like the Simpsons when it comes to predicting the future....


Either Ryan or Ian said (on Jenna and Kevin’s podcast) that Sam was never meant to be Kurt’s boyfriend. Now, who knows if that’s actually true, just thought I’d mention it. I agree with the whole separating the art from the artist kind of thing. I do have a principle that I will not give money to someone who I know either has views or have done things that I do not condone. Like I’ll read or watch Harry Potter, but I will not buy the books or movies. But everyone is free to do as they want, it’s a complicated subject for sure! I honestly think the reason why the writers included the topic in the show because Glee probably got some hate from some people about doing covers of music from certain artists.


I always took it as that being a lie Blaine made up to cover up the fact that his real guilty pleasure was Sam


Did Brit say (paraphrasing) “one of the special powers of blonde people is that they can turn Swedish” when she asked Kitty to come on Fondue For Two? I might’ve heard it wrong but if that is what she said, that’s hilarious 😂 Let’s be honest, Unique stole that performance of Wannabe! 🔥 I also agree with Jake about the separate the art from the artist thing. The only thing I didn’t like is him implying that Rihanna is just as bad for not leaving the relationship … yikes


As much as i wish blam became canon im so glad their friendship never got ruined ngl blaine and sam's friendships carried season 4-6 for me