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Ilsuk Yang

OMG! That beginning 😮🤣🤣🤣The music at the end, too 🤣🤣🤣He finally got it working 😳

Siobhan Linehan

Such a great show. I've enjoyed watching season 1 with you and hopefully someone will sponsor more. Although it is still strange watching such a dirty show with you lol. 😂 I loved Otis stealing the trophy for Maeve, that was adorable. He does like Ola for sure but I feel like he loves Maeve, he just doesn't think he has a chance with her. He thinks Maeve is out of his league. It's quite sweet really. As for the Adam and Eric thing, I'm so sorry but I really don't like it. I understand that they have sexual tension, that Adam is in the closet (I guess) and that Adam is a bully because of his terrible home life. Specifically his dad. BUT all of that doesn't change the fact or excuse the fact that Adam is a bully who has made Eric's life hell for god knows how long. He's verbally and physically abused Eric many times and he's even threatened Eric on multiple occasions, including after they did oral in detention. So the idea of them being together and Eric even entertaining the idea of being with him makes me really uncomfortable. It feels like if Kurt on Glee had dated Karofsky. Same situation. I just feel that Eric deserves SO much better. 🙈 The situation with Jean is a hard one. She does seem to genuinely care about Otis at times and there are WAY worse mothers out there. But you're right, she's selfish. She puts her needs above Otis' every time. I thought she'd turned a corner with that big apology speech but she then goes to Jakob's house, says she can't be with him because it's better for Otis, but then goes ahead and sleeps with Jakob again anyway. Sometimes it's like she knows the right thing to do but she doesn't care. She really needs to work on that. And it was interesting hearing Lily speak about how scared she is about growing old as a virgin. I understand how she feels SO much. I felt the same at her age and people would always tell me that I was worrying for nothing and the right person would come along and lots of people don't have sex at 16 etc etc. But I'm now 27 and I'm still a virgin. I don't tell people this because I'm so embarrassed about it but it feels like a safe space here. I've been on some dates but no one has ever wanted me in that way. It's something I think about a lot and something that scares me a lot. Lily worrying about dying alone at her age seems over dramatic, but every year I get older that seems more and more like something that could actually happen to me. I'm a total girly girl lol, I'm into romcoms and I have more ships than most people I know and the romances are my favourite parts of most TV shows and I don't want kids but I've always dreamed of getting married one day. But I haven't even taken those baby steps yet, I haven't even been kissed to be totally honest with you. And the fact that I'll be 30 in a couple of years and I'll probably still be a virgin who's never been kissed scares me more than I can explain. I hope it's ok that I shared this here, it's just that Lily's story in this episode spoke to me a lot and this felt like a good place to talk about it. Anyway I look forward to season 2, whenever you get around to that. It's really fun watching these with you. 😊

Nikita Hankinson

I don't think Otis knows at this point that Maeve and Jackson have split. I think if he did he might not have pursued Ola, it kind of feels like he is settling even though he does like Ola. So excited for season 2!! This is one of my favourite shows!!


Loved watching season 1 with you Travis!

Yetzybeth Paolly Piedrahíta

Oh I loved rewatching this show with you!!! I am so impressed that you knew all along that Adam had the hots for Eric. It NEVER crossed my mind while watching it and when they kissed it took me by surprise!!! Can’t wait to continue watching!!!


This is definitely a fun show I hadn't gotten around to watching before, so am glad to be seeing it now along with you! Felt like we were left with a lot of messiness in that finale so I'm glad there are more seasons! I guessed that Adam had feelings for Eric from episode 1, when the first scene was his completely unenthusiastic sex with his girlfriend and then the next time we see him was a hallway teasing interaction with Eric. Definitely called that one! I'm a little wary of it cause Adam has been such a d-bag and I wonder if Eric actually likes him or was just swept up in the opportunity, since I think they've said Anwar is the only other openly gay kid in their school. I don't want to see Eric in a relationship where he's treated like shit cause he thinks it's his only option 🥺 (giving me Charlie/Ben vibes 👎) Beyond that I was left feeling bad for pretty much every character except Jean who Otis forgave quicker than I would've!