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Ilsuk Yang

You making those nibling noises 🤣🤣🤣Yeah strokes are no joke, and mini-strokes are a real thing. My mom had a stroke almost 7 years ago and if my dad found her 10 minutes later, she might not be with us right now, so I get the urgency Tommy had when she was helping Grace (my queen!) with the situation! That couple made me so mad when this was originally airing 😡😡😡I mean, why y'all gotta do that?!? I was very proud of Marjan for not giving in to their ridiculous demands (there's no "just" about that amount of money they were asking for 😡). On a happier note, those sparks between Paul and HR woman (sorry, can't remember her name). Also, Paul would make a good detective! But, are y'all able to remember someone from 6th grade like that?


"Crazy is a slur." Me, who has suffered from mental issues for almost two decades: No, it's not, shut up. And yes, screw that couple. I would have said a lot worse to them.


I really like this episode for Marjan and Grace. No.1 I love the dynamic between Marjan and Owen. Secondly, I'm glad how they handled it. Ableist language is normalised in our day to day use and Marjan had no problem apologising for that but these people weren't actually offended. They weaponised it because they lost their house due to their own bad decisions and used it as an excuse to cash in on it. Marjan is someone who always sticks to her morals and integrity and that's what I love about her.


I really love Asha as a love interest for Paul. Her telling him " a smile like that you don't ever forget" was so romantic. I was swept off my feet. The actress has a lot of charm. I also really liked the ominous development with the biker Anfo plot.