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Thanks Haley!



Ilsuk Yang

Travis (after finding out the truth about the Skrulls): Oh, now I kind of feel bad talking about their ball-sack chins 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yeah, so this is pretty low on the MCU list of movies for me, but I did like it (I've only actively disliked one movie in the entirety of the MCU). There's a lot to like about it, especially the "buddy cop" dynamic between Fury and Carol. If Samuel L. Jackson wasn't in this movie, then I feel like this movie would really scrape the bottom of the barrel for me. However, I feel absolutely no tension in this movie because of how overpowered Carol is in this movie, even before she discovered how powerful she really was. Also, I felt like they did a poor job writing Carol's character. We can see that she has a personality in her past, but in the present, she has the personality of paper, which you can only partially blame on her memory loss. So, let's answer some of your questions. So, this is not the first movie in the chronological timeline of the MCU. That would be Captain America The First Avenger, which takes place during WWII. The Kree (with the hammer) that you couldn't place was the villain in Guardians of the Galaxy. So, in the comics, Mar-Vell is actually a man and he didn't die in the accident that gave Carol her powers. Also, in general, the MCU generally tones down the powers of their characters (a lot) compared to their comic book counterparts. In this case, Carol is about as powerful as her comic book counterpart, although, some may say she's more powerful in the MCU. Steve Rogers is also a lot more powerful in the MCU than he is in the comics as he's superhuman in the MCU, but only a "peak human" in the comics. So, Carol's powers allow her to absorb energy and use it to either increase her physical strength/durability or to increase the potency of her photon blasts (or increase her speed). Next up is Avengers: Endgame (woot woot!). You'll need to carve out a good amount of time to react to this one as it is 3 hours long (and I love every second of it). Endgame actually isn't the final movie in Phase 3 of the MCU, which I will say more about after you've watched Endgame ;)

Siobhan Linehan

Like Ilsuk above, a lot of people put this movie quite low in their order. And there are some people who really hate it. Each to their own of course, but it's 8th in my current MCU order. I love it. Yes the CGI is a bit cartoonish but I actually like that, it gives it a comic book feel. Carol's powers especially I absolutely LOVE the visuals of, so bright and colourful. Also the way that they used CGI to de-age Samuel L Jackson was genius, he really does look just like his younger self. It's amazing. I absolutely love Goose the Flerken kitty lol. He's both cute and hilarious. And it's so funny that Goose's scratch is why Nick lost his eye. I loved that detail. It was also awesome how Carol's nickname is what named the Avengers. And I just loved the story in general. Monica, the young girl was really sweet. I thought Carol's connection with Maria was adorable, Brie Larson confirmed that Carol and Monica were a couple but for a number of reasons they didn't want anyone to know. And I think knowing that makes their connection and also Carol's connection with Monica even more special. And I just love Carol as a character, I connected to her quickly. She's funny and I love her personality and her fire. And I think the way that the movie started with Carol thinking she was a Kree and Jude Law's character was her friend and ended with Carol realizing that she's a human and that the Skulls are actually allies and it's Jude's character and the Kree who are the bad guys was so clever. I loved seeing Carol form a bond with Nick which explains why he trusted her enough to call her at the end of Infinity War and it was SO nice to see Coulson again too, I've been rewatching Agents Of SHIELD recently and Coulson's brilliant in that, not sure if you've seen it or not. Also I felt the story flowed really well, I didn't feel bored at any point, the action sequences were well done, the music was great, her costume was awesome etc. I could go on and on. But basically I don't really understand the negativity that this movie gets. I think it's really good, I put it higher than many other MCU movies and it just makes me happy. So I'm glad that you liked it too. 😊 Endgame next, I have very mixed feelings about that one. I'll explain more when we get to it. After that things get very interesting as the Disney+ TV shows start and they all weave themselves into what happens in the movies. I'm excited to continue this MCU journey with you.

John buchanan

A lot of people dislike this movie because they don’t like Brie Larson as a person and people can’t separate the person from the content. Same thing with the new flash movie. Some also dislike it a lot because they mad the skrulls good guys which apparently goes against the comics. I’m in the same boat as you, I didn’t love it but definetly think the hate is overblown. Very solid origin story imo