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AmyWonderland92 (edited)

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2023-07-27 19:18:33 Cars 2....More like Cars 3.... This show kills me XD
2023-07-27 13:59:49 Cars 2....More like Cars 3.... This show kills me XD

Cars 2....More like Cars 3.... This show kills me XD

AmyWonderland92 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-27 19:18:33 There is a fourth season but NOT on Netflix! I haven't seen it because I don't know where to get it in the UK. So if you find it let me know XD
2023-07-27 14:10:26 There is a fourth season but NOT on Netflix! I haven't seen it because I don't know where to get it in the UK. So if you find it let me know XD

There is a fourth season but NOT on Netflix! I haven't seen it because I don't know where to get it in the UK. So if you find it let me know XD


Netflix cancelling this despite it being so well received and popular is one of the biggest bummers of my life, because I love this show so much. It is legit my comfort show, despite how it tackles deep issues at times. But it never loses its humor and heart, and yeah, the show and the cast deserved so much better.


netflix cancelled the show after season 3 (despite good views and story) and poptv saved it for one more season before cancelling it as well (since the audience never truly travelled to poptv).


It's so great to see Elena finally get to just come out to someone herself, and I'm so glad it was with her Mum. Cuz of course Alex overheard her talking to the phone person and then he accidentally told Schneider, so up until now everyone who knows found out without her wanting them to. Luckily, both those times went well. But this was just so great for her because she deserved to have that moment for herself when she chose to. And sure, she was kinda pushed into it by the circumstances, but she could've just said she was curious about sex and stuff, so it was her choice to come out and that's great. And of course Penelope was nothing but supportive with her. I love the moments of everyone seeing the porn though. And the moment Alex walks in and wants to go on his laptop and they all freak out. I love that Penelope and Schneider did the exact same thing, it's so cute. The whole thing does make me think though. When they realised it was Elena who had been looking at porn, Alex probably realised why. He was the only person in the room who knew Elena had been questioning her sexuality, and even though he was clearly very confused by everything, it doesn't take a genius to connect those dots. Everything we learn about Schneider's childhood just concerns me more and more... Haha And I really love the way they deal with Lydia's parenting. Because while she is clearly loving, she definitely did damaging things. Like the handkerchief thing. And I love that they're not afraid to address that.