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Jana Fuller

Yay!! I just love this show so much 😍


Lydia's story is heartbreaking. It is so sad how many people have had to go through things like that. Being separated from their family at such a young age, having to go to a whole other country alone. It must be terrifying. I can't even imagine. I totally get why Elena would feel so offended by getting the Diversity Spot. As much as I can get it as a white person. So obviously I haven't had the experience of any of that, but I can totally see where she was coming from. I feel like it would feel like you're only there because they wanna check some box. Like, you'd probably wonder if you'd still get in if they didn't have that Diversity Spot. But I'm so glad she decided to take it anyway. You really have gotta just take whatever opportunities you get, especially if it's something you actually want to do.


I totally agree with you. Idk how this show makes me consistently laugh and cry in the same 20 minute episode. Rita moreno is a national treasure.