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Ilsuk Yang

Oh God, these allergies again! These 911 shows and the way they play with our emotions! And, of course, all the cliffhangers they do! They really do like to play with our heartstrings don't, they? Can't believe the season 4 finale is next!

Kelsey Pruett

Oh my goodness, I have been wanting to see your reaction to this episode! The ending blew my mind when I first saw it. Can't wait to see the next episode's reaction!!

Celeste Tay

Eddie and Chimney are always the ones being messed with!

Missy Johnson

The ending to this one ripped my heart out, Seeing Bobby and athena hurting, and bobby saying " who said it was working." The only 9-1-1 time I wanted to reach through my TV at Bobbys neck. Then Eddie gets shot I mean what a damn cliffhanger. Can't wait for the next part. When Athena was smelling his shirt I was like damn don't let that be perfume cause we know how that ends just ask Bernadine(Waiting To Exhale lol)


Oh my gosh yes that cliff hanger was brutal, waiting to find out about Eddy. Ugh I was about to loose my mind. Bobby and Athena's argument made me so sad, no mom and dad are fighting

Marlene Berber

I can’t wait your next reaction


THERE IT IS!! Holy fucking shit, it legit doesn't matter how many times I see that ending scene, it penetrates my heart each time. The way it is shot (ahaha) and the cinematography of it - immaculate. The slowmo, Buck getting covered in Eddie's blood, Eddie on the ground trying to reach out for Buck, the two of them never taking their eyes off each other: what if I just scream. God, that is good TV, despite how upset it makes me.

Holly Orgeron

Okay SO, I saw that you uploaded this video and I'm not ashamed to say I watched the last five minutes while I was on lunch break at work... but now I'm here to watch the whole thing!


I'm a couple of episodes behind of your 9-1-1 reactions, but I just had to watch that ending.

Adaline Blooms

Excellent reaction! The end scene must feel like a complete shock for someone who didn’t see the previews and promos for the episode when it was first airing. A lot of fans knew one of the 118 was going to be shot ahead of time if I recall correctly. The way they shot that scene still gets me, no matter how many times I see it. Eddie’s blood splattering all over Buck. The frame of their profiles as the state in shock at each other. The way their gazes are each locked on the other until Eddie’s eyes close. So epic.

Alexis Cook

Thats aunt jennaaaa🥰