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This episode is what sold me on the Iris plotline. I think the actress is just so funny. She is amazing. Also it's cool to see neurodivergent rep. I'm glad they didn't do the classic misogynistic trope of vilifying the female character who "gets in the way" of the gay ship. The Trevor Tommy stuff was so charming and so beautiful and Trevor has me twirling my hair. Those two have so much chemistry. The Tarlos scenes where Carlos talked about how he was trying to fix himself by marrying Iris and meeting TK made him realize that he wasn't broken made me so emotional and rewatching season 1 with this knowledge imbues those Tarlos scenes with new meaning.


Also TK for me was such a standout throughout the episode. His facial expressions when he was meeting Iris rival Carlos' expressions during 3x13 when he was meeting Cooper. I loved TK talking to Iris and his reaction to Iris telling him that Carlos likes projects broke my heart. There were a lot of funny moments but there was also a lot of heartbreak.

Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, Iris is definitely quite the character 🤣🤣🤣I mean, not many people are going to understand that you want to do an annulment instead of a divorce based on what she said 🤣🤣🤣I will admit though, when I watched this the first time around, I was upset with her until I realized that she wanted an annulment, then I just laughed. Now, that whole dinner, well, your reaction to that did not disappoint 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Also, at the beginning with the motorhome and that ridiculous ex-couple, we both called the guy a dumbass at the same time! Jinx again! 🤣🤣🤣


Love this episode. Eps 1-4 of this season are a connected story and I'm so excited for you to see all that goes down in the next two!! I love everything about TK and Carlos in this episode though and that scene on the couch is one of my faves - so precious!! 🥺❤️