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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

The Miller's Daughter- Thank you so much for another fantastic episode reaction for Once Upon a Time, Travis! There are many twists, and even so much more emotion that comes from this episode, or rather... throughout the ending of this episode, than I ever thought could be possible from an episode centered around Cora, of all people. A character I mostly hate. This episode isn't one of my favorites because it is so centered around Cora. You know how I feel about her. However, I do love the backstory for Rumple, and overall... It's beautifully written. Especially in the last fifteen to twenty minutes of this episode, which helps to make up a little for what I hate about Cora. It certainly doesn't make up for all the evil she's done, and I still hate absolutely her. However, these last few minutes of this episode makes me actually feel sorry for Cora just a little, yet so, so much more for Regina. Even though I am still very disappointed with Regina right now. And these final minutes makes all of the storylines within all the previous episodes with Cora that I really didn't care much for, worth watching. Between Snow's, Regina's, Cora's, and Rumple's storyline in these last minutes within this episode... Amazing! I was absolutely on the edge of my seat the whole time. Also... The casting for this show is for the most part, phenomenal for all of our characters. Especially the actors chosen to play the younger versions of certain characters, including Rose McGowan as young Cora, and Bailee Madison as young Snow, etc... Especially young Snow. Who as you said in your reaction for the previous episode... The Queen is Dead, is a phenomenal young actress. I also really love the casting for both Princess Eva and Prince Henry too. The casting is not always perfect, but I do think the casting for each character throughout this show overall is the best I've ever seen in any show. Especially those centered around characters that are beloved from their stories created long before they were brought together in Once Upon a Time. And in regards to Princess Eva... In case you didn't remember this, she is Snow White's mother, which reveals that Eva eventually had come to grow into becoming the kind woman and gracious Queen we knew her to be in the previous episode... The Queen is Dead, when she was most certainly a stuck up snob in her younger years. And Prince Henry is Regina's father, whom Regina murdered by ripping out his heart in order to cast her curse shown back in season one's... The Thing You Love Most, and who is seen in multiple episodes since. I love that this episode focuses a lot on the original story of the Miller's Daughter. It's a great origin story written about Rumplestiltskin and the Miller's Daughter, and I enjoy this episode a lot more than I normally would enjoy any Cora centered storyline, because this episode focuses on this Rumplestiltskin origin story. And I really love Once Upon a Time's twist on the story too. Outside of the twisted relationship between Rumple and Cora, which I don't like at all. It's quite uncomfortable and twisted. However, I love seeing Rumple teaching this show's version of the Miller's Daughter, how to spin straw into gold as he's able to do. And I do think it's really clever how Cora is able to manipulate Rumple so completely, even as far as to be able to trick him into changing their deal so that she would give birth to their child... only for Cora to find a loophole so that she would never give birth to a child that belonged to Rumplestiltskin by marrying Prince Henry and having his child instead. Very, very clever. And in regards to why Cora isn't Queen upon marrying Prince Henry, and why Cora said she would have to kill so many people to become Queen, or to make Regina Queen... It's because Henry was only a Prince. And his father was only a Royal. A random King, not the kingdom's main King. The kingdom's King at the time is Snow White's father... King Leopold. Cora says to Rumple in this episode that she is fifth in line for the throne and that much bloodshed would have to occur to make herself Queen. But then when she severed ties with Rumple and gave him up to become a Royal herself upon marrying Henry, she no longer had the power to make herself Queen so quickly. Hence why Cora had to resort to all of her cruel acts she's committed since in order to make Regina Queen, knowing that becoming so herself was no longer gonna be possible. I hope this explanation helps. Now, whether or not we knew before this episode how long Cora was without her heart in her chest... I don't really know for sure. Back in episode nine... The Queen of Hearts, Hook travels to Wonderland to rip out Cora's heart on Regina's behest, but when he attempts to use his hook to rip it out, Cora asks him if he is foolish enough to believe she actually keeps her heart where everyone else does, revealing that her heart was not in her chest then. However, we didn't know at what point in time she took out her own heart before now. And in this episode, it's finally revealed that Cora was heartless even before Regina was even born, which explains why Cora has been able to be so cold and cruel towards her daughter and her husband Prince Henry, whom we also learned in this episode that Cora never loved him at all. She only married him for power and so he could raise her up from being a miller's daughter. And sadly, we saw that while their marriage was an arranged marriage, Henry did genuinely seem to like Cora, and possibly even loved her at one point too. So I really feel so sad for him because of all the pain Cora puts him through by hurting Regina so much in spite of all his efforts to protect his daughter from her mother. However, any emotion Cora could have felt towards Regina, was taken from her the moment she removed her heart, because she didn't want to feel any emotion whatsoever. Because love is weakness. A sordid and twisted belief she learned long ago. This episode is cleverly written, but because I hate Cora outside of her being really good at being evil, I didn't feel too much emotion like most people do. Not so much for her. However, I feel terrible for Regina when she loses her mother after having been the one to unknowingly kill her. And because she has always so desperately wanted to truly be loved by her mother. And at last... She finally felt that love from Cora she has yearned for her entire life, upon hearing Cora's final words just before she dies in Regina's arms. It's so tragic. And I also feel badly for Mary Margaret upon seeing the guilt and fear on her face when she struggles with the choice Gold placed in front of her, and in seeing the consequences of that choice she made. I absolutely love this part of the storyline, despite how heartbreaking it is for both Regina and Mary Margaret. Mary Margaret's actions are cruel. And I am disappointed in her for falling for Gold's manipulations. However, I do understand why she felt she had to resort to killing Cora. And if Mary Margaret didn't do this, then Cora would have succeeded and would have become the new Dark One, which is not good. So I both love and hate the ending of this episode. It's brilliantly written and so intense. Now... I love how Gold teaches Emma how to feel in order to ignite her magic within her, just like he did for Cora too in their past. However, I love that when Rumple teaches Cora, upon recognizing the darkness within her, he teaches her to feel her hatred for those who have wronged her in order to bring her magic out. Whereas with Emma... Upon recognizing the pure goodness and strength within her, Gold teaches her to feel her love for those she yearns to protect and to use her love to bring about her magic. Fabulous! Such a phenomenal contrast in both storylines! As for the magical chalk and Emma's protection spell being broken apparently so easily when Cora couldn't break the second barrier just as easily... It's because Cora and Regina combined their powers together, making their magic twice as powerful. Cora was on her own when trying to get into Gold's back room. Plus... Emma is new to conjuring magic from within her and so her magic is therefore most likely weakened in spite of her being the Savior. Emma needs time to strengthen her power. I also love, love, love the brief moment between Gold and Belle when he tells Belle on the phone that she is a hero, and a woman who loved him despite the monster he was. And even though she doesn't remember him or who she is, she feels his love for her and feels heartbreak for him. Really quite beautiful. And even Neal's moment with his father is sweet too, even though their redemption towards one another has a very long way to go. I am happy and I appreciate that Neal at least acknowledges that he is still angry with Rumple though too. Neal has run away from his father his whole life from the moment Rumple let him fall through that portal shown in season one's episode... The Return. And we saw in Manhattan how deeply angry Neal is with Rumple. However, Rumple is dying, and I can understand that Neal doesn't want to see his father die like this, especially under the control of his dagger. And with this being said... I don't really care much for Cora's backstory and her lust for the power of the dagger. Her lust for power and darkness. And I really hate that she had a relationship with Gold. Their scenes together are beautifully acted by both Robert Carlyle and Rose McGowan. However, I feel that their relationship is twisted and even disturbing. While their scenes together are phenomenally acted by both actors, I have trouble believing that a part of her could love Rumplestiltskin because she always lusted for higher power and was able to choose all of that power over love even before she rips out her own heart. Even if she did have to rip her heart out in order to do so. She still chose power over Rumple beforehand. And yet I do know that we aren't meant to believe that Cora loved him. After all... "Love is weakness", just like Cora says to Emma at Lake Nostos in Queen of Hearts, like Cora has instilled into Regina her whole life, and like the King says to young Cora in this episode. But I really love the scene with everyone at the masquerade ball. The gowns and the masks were spectacular, and I absolutely love the music playing throughout this scene. I love seeing masquerade balls in any shows or movies because they really are quite exquisite and beautiful. While I may hate the path Regina has gone done throughout the second half of this season, I do certainly understand why she does, because of the grip her mother has over her heart. It isn't completely out of character for Regina. They are mother and daughter after all. And Regina loves her mother in spite of all the pain Cora has inflicted upon her and her father. Especially back when Cora killed Daniel in front of her by ripping out his heart and crushing it. A relationship between a mother and daughter is powerful, as is the relationship between a father and son. Which we see between Rumple and Neal. So, I definitely understand Regina's anger and hatred towards Mary Margaret now, as well as towards Rumple too. And I certainly wouldn't ever be able to forgive her if she were to kill my mother either. Not really. I just absolutely loved Regina throughout the first half of this season, and to see her fall so far and back into her old dark ways, it's very sad to me. Overall... This episode was very well written, and the casting for young Cora is perfect. However, Cora has always been a villain I have just hated. She's a great villain, though not nearly as good as the Evil Queen. Not at all. Regina as the Evil Queen is absolutely phenomenal, and I love her, just like you do too!!! And as a whole character, I've never liked Cora because she's so cruel, especially towards her own daughter. And I just don't care much for her overall storylines or backstory until this episode that nearly makes up for all the rest. The ending as I've said is absolutely phenomenal!! So well acted by everyone in these scenes, and these last twenty minutes of the episode makes up for what I don't like about Cora. And that final look Regina shows on her face as she glares up at Mary Margaret upon realizing what has really happened to her mother and how she is the person really responsible once Mary Margaret runs into the room and stares down at Cora and Regina in shock by what she had done... So many chills. Regina's dark glare is absolutely incredible! :) Oh... And I also love David throughout this episode, as he strives to try to help Mary Margaret in every way he can. And I feel so sad for him upon seeing his face the moment he understands he's too late to stop his wife from making such a terrible mistake when he comes running up to her outside of Regina's vault. So sad. And lastly, in regards to Cora living in a wealthy mansion shown in previous episodes, instead of in the King's castle... It's never explained at all, but I suspect it may be because this King may not be one of the wealthiest Kings throughout the kingdom, much like King George was never really all that wealthy except for when he had a brief alliance with the Evil Queen. And while Cora helped to make this King quite wealthy for a while, I doubt her allegiance with Henry's father lasted too long, given that Cora truly hated this King for making her feel so small and worthless. Cora and Henry undoubtedly remained wealthy and powerful enough to remain living within a mansion, or manor I suspect she and Henry come to live in once Princess Eva's father, the King, dies. Or maybe it's where they move into upon leaving the castle to find their own home away from the King and Princess Eva. But Cora needed more power in order to rise up further in power, and so that Regina could become Queen. Just as I try to explain above. I hope this explanation makes sense. Thank you again, Travis! I look forward to your next reactions for Once Upon a Time like I always do. So, until then... Sincerely, Heidi

Suzanne Hunt

Rose 🌹 McGowan is excellent as a young Cora ! I almost feel sorry for her! Did you realize Princess Ava who tripped Cora was Snow's ❄️ mother as a young woman. It makes you wonder what happened to her to make her a better person!

Amanda Smith

Your rant at the end 😂

Ilsuk Yang

It's ironic that Cora was killed by her own heart since her name means "heart". She was so "cold-hearted" in life because she took out her own heart. Now, don't get me wrong, she was an evil heifer before she took out her own heart, but doing so increased her worst tendencies tenfold. I love that this show isn't as simple as good and evil. We see that everyone has shades of both. Snow, as good as she is, succumbed to her darkest impulses, and Cora, as evil as she is, realizes her love for her daughter as soon as she gets her heart back. Cora and Regina had one true moment of happiness before it was snatched away. Yes, Snow tried to stop it, but it was too late. The damage was done. Cora definitely deserved her fate, but the way Regina responded to her mother's death always gets me. Lana Parilla put in a fantastic performance here!

Missy Johnson

Oh man that cute sweet smile she gave her baby girl at the end pulled at my heart ❤️. Then I could hear snow trying to stop her and was like shit don't go in there run girl run 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️

Janel Davis

Cora's last words is one of my favorite moments in the entire show. And the saddest thing about all of it is that maybe Snow's lie would have actually worked. Maybe all Snow had to do was give Cora her heart back 😭