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mannnn i'm at work but i can't wait to watch, this is one of my favorite episodes of the whole show


As I was told Siobhan, you are not on Discord, I will drop you my yesterday's rant here and hope you'll see it :D Siobhan, I must fully blame you for my full blown relapse into Doctor Who obsession. I was happily out of fandom for years! For years! Like before SuperWhoLock years of tumbr! and now I watch youtube fanvids till 2 am and hunt stuff to buy online... I should be adulting not spending money on fandom-related dust catchers. 😄 Travis, gets like 12% of the blame, but you get more as you puts Doctor Who in his path xd PS. Love you for all the Doctor Who goodness <3

Michael T

Can’t wait to go home and see this. One of my favorites; even if it is a Donna lite episode.


I think what's most clever about this episode is that it DOES stress you out. It makes you feel like you are in there with them. It's supposed to be a look in at humanity. Everyone was quick to start victim blaming and jumping to conclusions without any evidence. This time, it's the humans who are the true monsters.

Siobhan Linehan

Haha I'm very proud to have been the reason behind your Doctor Who relapse. 😂 It is the best show ever imo so I'm glad you're as obsessed with it now as I have been since 2005, the obsession never stopped for me lol. I'm going to pay for Travis to react to every season so stick around. 😊

Dustee Lodholtz

This episode definitely stresses me out and fills me with anxiety. If Donna was there they would've never even gotten a hand on the doctor, she would've shown them all her pimp hand 🤚🏻 lol I can wait for the finale and to finally get into Season 5 😬🖤

Sarika H

ohhhhh - we have arrived, the next episode is my all time favourite

Ilsuk Yang

"I said it was her." No, you didn't, bench! Y'all were about to kill an innocent man (our innocent man)! Definitely a very shouty episode, which is part of the design of the episode. I wanted to smack the professor when he told Dee Dee to shut it! I just looked up the cast and they didn't even name the attendant/hostess in the credits, which is a brilliant move by the director and/or writer! Making a person everyone deemed so insignificant, including the Doctor, that they couldn't even remember her name, the hero of this particular story


this episode is such a great commentary on what extremes a bunch of scared people will go to and we never even see our villain bc the villains are just regular scared selfish people- and seeing the doctor so scared because if it wasn't for the hostess he wouldn't have survived this and he couldn't talk his way out of it but he was gonna be killed for no reason by regular people because they were scared. loveee this one, and there's so much good left still!


I have a fan book that has character bio's for all the women of who. She has an appearance in that book and is just listed as "The Hostess." I agree it's a brilliant move by the team to credit her that way.

Ilsuk Yang

Indeed. These Doctor Who directors and writers know what they're doing!


This episode is one of my favorites of the whole franchise!!

Amy Cope

I feel the same about this episode. There are elements I really like (humans being humans and destroying something purely because they don't understand it and are scared) but I'm yet to figure out how to turn off my emotional empathy button and can't watch intense bottle episodes like this without feeling completely overwhelmed and anxious

Siobhan Linehan

Some people, as you can see in the comments, LOVE this episode and have it as their favourite of all time and some people don't like it at all. I'm in the second camp. It's not my cup of tea. I agree with you about all the yelling. Plus it's all in a small space and the whole tone of the episode is very intense. It sets off my anxiety too, I almost feel claustrophobic watching it. It's one of the few episodes I tend to skip on a rewatch, but I did watch most of your reaction just to see your thoughts. I'm glad you noticed Rose on the screen. You also might've noticed Dee Dee telling The Doctor about the lost moon of Poosh, yet another lost planet. Remember I said how this season a few lost planets have been mentioned. The Adipose breeding planet, Pyrovilia and now the lost moon of Poosh. Rose and the lost planets, along with the ongoing mentions of the bees disappearing, all come together in the season finale. Exciting. 👀 Part one of the finale up next and it's BRILLIANT! There is one part I have to skip past every time, I'll explain why when that reaction is up, but overall it's a special episode that really sets up the last two of the season and the following 4 specials. 😊


I'm one of those who loves this episode. A great cost saving bottle episode that is all about the performances delivering on a few simple but highly effective concepts. Fun fact: This has most likely has been said already on other chat forums. But on the rare chance it hasn't. The professor is played by David Troughton, who is the son of the second actor to play The Doctor, Patrick Troughton.

Cyan_SkyTortoise (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 19:53:26 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁
2023-07-16 16:43:06 This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁

This episode is practically like a game of Clue lol. I totally get where you’re coming from when you say you wouldn’t watch it again because it’s so chaotic but I think that’s also part of the plot… maybe I’m wording that wrong 🤔 Side note: I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but, OMG the next episode! I couldn’t remember when it takes place in the story(obviously later on) but I’ve been waiting in anticipation❗️😁


This episode is a lot for me angst wise. Cinematically it’s amazing. All taking place is such tight quarters makes it a difficult challenge to the makers of the show so that must have been fun for them. Plot side, the way the people are reacting to the situation, reminds me oh so much of a certain episode of the original Twilight Zone series. So that is cool, watching all the different human reactions to one set of events. But I myself cannot rewatch this one easily. Especially once you know what happens, it makes it even more frustrating watching it play out so slowly. The torture of it is the point, but yeah, also, no 😬