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Missy Johnson

This episode had my heartstrings a couple of times. I agree with athena, and it look like May was wearing her mom's necklace. Hen had me crying too.


Beautiful episode. Not gunna lie, first time I saw it I had a nice chuckle at the title, though Peter Krause was barely in this one!


Saying goodbye to Nia will always get to me, but I'm glad she got a second chance with her mother. (Also a teeny tiny moment that, as a Buddie shipper, always make me giddy, is when they both answer "no" to Chim saying "can't you both be good cops" because???? my dudes...) Anyway, we're getting closer to two extremely powerful episodes now and I can't wait for the reactions!

Ilsuk Yang

Ooh, these allergies again! Every time I'm about to recover, there's something else that triggers the allergies again. That scene with the mom with cancer and the DNR directive really got me! Hen and Karen saying goodbye to Nia without saying goodbye, just, man! And how silly was it to see the mom literally feeding her adult child at the end, there 🤣🤣🤣Gotta have that little bit of silliness in there to balance out the allergies!

Sherry Palmer

I couldn't foster a dog and successfully give it back! I know it's an important service (for pets and kids), but my heart couldn't take it.


One of my two cats is a foster fail. They actually banned me from fostering again because they have a rule that you can't adopt your first foster. But after four months, I refused to give her back! The thought of losing her killed me. I can't even begin to imagine how it would feel for someone who had fostered a child (a baby/toddler) for a year only to have him/her taken away!


I've wanted to mention this in a few episodes and now seems as good as any. It's almost like a reflex to talk about how adorable and sweet Buck, Chim, Eddie and most of the others are (because they are)! But I think Josh is a total sweetheart and pretty adorable himself. And to use Travis' venacular, Albert is a "snack" too!