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Omg we are already here!!!!!

Heather Anne

River!!!! I'm not sure I can actually say anything else because spoilers, but I do love her so. Not everybody does, but isn't that the case with everything? She's still one of my very favorites alongside Donna and Jack. Glad we've gotten to her.

Dan Dolan

The second statue with the man's face... that was Prince Charming from Once Upon a Time! lol

Dustee Lodholtz

I've been WAITING for River to show up, I'm so excited! Sooooo close!!!

Abigail Friedman

I LOVE this two-part episode so much


oh i stan river song


Travis at this point we should just have you write the show! How do you always manage to guess what's happening 🤣🤣🤣 The ending to this always stresses me out with all the "hey who turned out the lights" and "Donna Noble has left the library" on constant loop like that. Then I looked at your face and it looked so stressed too LOL. This is such a great story, can't wait to see the next one.

Ilsuk Yang

Ah yes, this 2-parter is a good one! Love how the tension just builds and builds in this episode. You can be sure that I hit the "next episode" button so quickly the first time I watched this! Better not mess with Donna!

Siobhan Linehan

Like everyone else here has said, this is a fantastic two parter. One of the best from the show. It sets up SO much for the next few seasons, more than you'll realize at this point. River Song is definitely an interesting character, her story is so well done. Like Heather said, not everyone is a River fan and unfortunately I'm in the not a fan camp. For various reasons that I can't explain without "spoilers" lol. But I do like her story. And you're not supposed to know who she is yet, so don't worry about that. As someone who's scared of the dark, these episodes give me the creeps. Especially how they say that the dust you can see in sunbeams is the Vashta Narada. Brilliant writing but scary. And they also do a great job in this story of building suspense and introducing all the characters while not making it boring. I look forward to part two, I'll share more of my thoughts then. 😊

B Chab-Love

The Library double episode is my absolute favorite of Ten’s run. I will literally watch this one over and over. River is right up there with Donna as my top five favorite characters (I have a separate list for the Doctor LOL). I absolutely cracked up at your ending comments. Your constant no’s sounded like those videos of a cat saying no. I cannot wait for you to watch and comment on the next part!


I waited to watch this episode so I could watch the full two parter since I don't like to be cliffhanged for any reason really... plus it gives me more to watch...