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Yeah this is a great episode. I've been waiting for you to see that party entrance scene - what a moment! 🤩 Totally agree that the background on his upbringing helps to explain but not excuse his later actions. While initially the timeline of the episodes seemed unnecessarily convoluted to me, it makes more sense to me now that it was done in this working backwards style because I think we appreciate more how horrific his crimes were seeing them first without much background on who he is and how he might have come to be that way. It did seem like they were suggesting his father may have molested him, though I don't believe that's been confirmed, which may be why they presented it as sort of questionable. Most of the other details that seemed shocking though are known to be true - he was treated as the "white sheep" and given the master bedroom, his own car before he could drive, the year book picture superlative & quote, dating older men (apparently he brought a 30 year old to the prom), his father worked in stocks and fled from the FBI to the Philippines- so I think they did pretty good showing what things were probably like. I love how they start off showing a child Gianni being lifted up and supported by his mother, and learning from her a healthy definition of how to achieve success, before contrasting it with Andrew at the same age learning a very different definition of that from his father.

Marek Barwinek

Oh and here it is, the start of it all...tragic childhood leading to the tragic life overall.

Pearltheodora Rose

I think they also toned down how bad it actually was … implied SA, a boy who was singled out over all his siblings “you’re special , special , special” . He grew up seeing his mom getting abused , the yelling and outright hateful medical threats towards his wife infront of the kids … so much more than daddy issues as a whole but I don’t know . Like you I was surprised to get the introduction episode this late but it worked so well .

Stephanie L

I've really appreciated diving into this show show again through these reactions! I was especially anticipating this episode, since I swear I could write a whole thesis on how good it is, and how much more sense the structure of the season makes once we reach this point. Before I get into the acting (because Darren freaking Criss and Jon Jon Briones, man!), from a structural perspective what I respect so much is that they found a way to allow us to insight into Andrew’s humanity, and even a *certain degree* of sympathy for him, but only after we’ve already spent 7 whole episodes sitting fully in the horror of what he ended up doing, and the humanity of the innocent people whose lives he destroyed. I remember as it was airing a lot of people didn’t like the way the narrative worked backwards, but I just don’t see how it ever could have been responsible for them to do it any other way. It would never be right to START with getting to know Andrew. His victims have the right to be the ones we came to know first. 100%, no amount of parental trauma could ever justify what he became and did. Admittedly, after this episode it’s hard for me not to feel like if Modesto hadn’t broken his kid’s psyche the way he did all of the hurt could have been avoided, but at the end of the day, Andrew could have chosen literally any other way to snap that wouldn’t have destroyed innocent people in the process, and he chose the one that did. And that will only ever be fully on him. I will say, though, that I can see how this very particular set of daddy issues could create such a disaster. Because it wasn’t just that Modesto was abusive; it was that he engrained the narcissism and obsession with being seen as special in Andrew from the time he was born, completely conditioned him to know no other way of expressing love other than “I’m giving you all the fancy things and that’s how you know I love you”…and then positively destroyed the only sense of self he’d ever allowed Andrew to have. (And yeah, the implied CSA is… a whole other level of messed up, to say the least. I don’t believe there’s evidence that that was a factor in real life, though not going to lie, I feel like it makes certain aspects of Andrew’s behavior make a disturbing amount more sense if it did happen to be true.) It also hits really different once you realize that, in that scene with David, Andrew actually WAS largely telling the truth… not about the banana plantation and all that obviously, but almost everything else - the master bedroom, the car, generally being that level of spoiled rotten - was true. There was just no possible way David or we as the audience could have ever known that. It’s hard enough to believe on its own, let alone that he’d already been nonstop lying up to that point, of course it was always only going to land as yet more lies. And then on the acting front, yeah, Darren and Jon Jon… absolute master class acting in this episode! Darren was obviously incredible through the whole season, but I find that a lot of people focus on how terrifying he was, and yes, absolutely; but to me what makes his performance so impressive is how he balanced the crazy and murderous with such genuine humanity and charisma. Truly a next level impressive performance, and to think, there were people who were calling him a terrible actor based on Glee! When ACS Versace came out, I felt so vindicated in my conviction that he was always a great actor and had made the shaky writing for Blaine a lot better than it was on paper xD Okay I’m done rambling now lol, but thanks for doing this show!! I feel like so few people have reacted to it, so it’s been great (albeit also as deeply disturbing as ever) to revisit!