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Thanks Ilsuk!



Ilsuk Yang

Ooh man, this movie! Doesn't matter how many times I watch this movie, it always hits me hard! Yes, that's Tyrian Lannister, larger than he's ever been before! That's also the Red Skull (Captain America's main enemy from the first Captain America movie) on Vormir, although, he's played by a different actor this time around. I remember when I first watched this movie (I skipped class the first time I watched it 🤣🤣🤣). I had an idea of what would happen at the end of the movie (I was wrong about who would die, but I knew a lot of them would), but it still wrecked me! This doesn't feel like a two-and-a-half-hour-long movie. Even during the expositiony parts of the movie, it moves quickly. So a couple notes that will make that ending sting even more. When Groot is getting dusted, he calls Rocket "dad" before he disappears. Also, if you look at Wanda, she seems to be the only one dusted that looks relieved (for good reason). The color degradation and desaturation of Vision the second time he dies is so gruesome, too! There's a lot more that I could say, but I will save it until you see Avengers: Endgame. Also, yes, Ant-Man and the Wasp is next, then Captain Marvel, then Avengers: Endgame. I look forward to you continuing your MCU journey :)

Siobhan Linehan

This is DEFINITELY my favourite MCU movie, it's perfect in every way. Because of my anxiety I can't go to cinemas so I have to wait for each movie to go to Disney+ a few months after it's released, and usually I can avoid spoilers fine but avoiding spoilers for this one was so hard. Everyone was talking about the ending, but luckily I did manage to avoid spoilers and I'm so glad because I remember how shocked I was and seeing your reaction reminded me of that. Like we all knew that this was part 1 and Endgame was part 2, so I didn't expect everything to be resolved in this one. But for SO many of them to die like that blew my mind. I've watched this movie 10+ times now and I still get chills. 🙊 Also the humour in this movie is spot on, it's just enough to lighten the dark parts of the movie but not so much that it cheapens them. They get the balance right for me. Especially with the Guardians and that's why their movies are some of my favourites. And Thor teaming up with them was perfect because he's funny too. Him repeatedly calling Rocket a rabbit is brilliant. 😂 And it was so nice to see Steve again, he was really missed by this point. Nat and Sam too. 💕 I look forward to Ant Man and The Wasp next and then Captain Marvel, they're both really good. The symbol at the end of the post credit scene was the Captain Marvel symbol, Nick was calling her. You'll see why when you watch that movie soon. 😊

Travis Manning


Ilsuk Yang

🤣🤣🤣Star Wars: Infinity War! The crossover event we never knew we needed!