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I really liked ricky's storyline in this ep. It makes a lot of sense that ricky needed to heal more from their relationship than nini cause ricky was the one who was trying to cling onto it. So it's really beautiful for him to accept that he has to let this relationship go and move on. It's for the best. It also makes me happy to see him mend things with his mom. Ricky deserves happiness! I won't really comment that much on EJ/Gina's relationship because it would probably get too spoilery so i'll just hold off on that lol. I will say that they do have some cute moments but they are actually one of my least favorite ships. We are almost done with season 2 and then if you start s3 immediately, you should finish in time for season 4 (the final season) which drops all episodes on August 9!

Ilsuk Yang

Season 4 is doing a full season drop on the same day?!? That's really rare for Disney+

Siobhan Linehan

I have already paid for Travis to react to season 3. After season 2 ends he'll wait a week and then start it. 🙂 And I totally agree about EJ and Gina, they're one of my least favourite ships too. Like you said, there's not much we can say without spoiling things for Travis. But yeah, they're not made for each other imo. 👌

Ilsuk Yang

"Oh, so you guys are watching really old movies." I felt personally attacked by that statement Nina! Gina asked for a sign and she got it :) Both songs were 🔥 in this episode, but in very different ways. I completely forgot that the first song didn't come until almost 25 minutes into the episode (they're spoiling us with more songs in season 2 🤣), but that song more than made up for it :)


Yup! Its surprising because hsmtmts has always been weekly releases but s4 is a binge release. Some ppl are upset but i actually enjoy a binge release more cause im impatient 😂

Ilsuk Yang

Why would people be upset about this? Binge release is where it's at :) I'm impatient, too 🤣. I watched season 1 of HSMTMTS alongside Travis, then got impatient and binged the rest on my own 🤣

Siobhan Linehan

I'm upset because weekly releases are SO fun on Twitter. Between each episode there's so much speculation and crazy theories and excitement about what's coming next. I'm sad we won't get that this time. And also I know that people will be skipping straight to the finale and spoiling everything that happens on social media. Weekly releases are SO much better imo. 🙈


or do it as “the boys” did on amazon: releasing the first three episodes at once and the rest of the season weekly ☺️

Siobhan Linehan

I really like this episode. This season was made during covid times and this episode with all the characters seperated and talking through Zoom and texting and DMs was done to reflect that. I love how they even made the music video for their song like a Zoom video. 👌 I absolutely LOVE Ricky's song Let You Go. Joshua wrote that himself in about 15 minutes apparently, you should listen to the full version when you get the chance, it's a lot longer and just stunning. 😍 I also really like Ricky's story in this episode, it's truly the start of the character finally moving away from Nini and this leads to him becoming my favourite character in season 3. He struggles so much with change but by reconnecting with his mom he's realized that his mom letting his dad go was for the best. And this made him realize that letting Nini go is the right thing too. You've said before that you want to see more growth from Ricky and this really is the start of that. 💕 I also enjoy Gina's story in this episode. Her story as a whole with her romantic relationships is very well done, especially when you know who her endgame is and how they get there, all of this stuff in season 2 is actually genius. No spoilers for the future of course, but in season 1 she got strong feelings for Ricky and then in season 2 she struggled with him being back with Nini but then EJ started getting closer to her. She's been scared to take it futher with EJ because she doesn't want to be hurt again, but then meeting Jack and finding that fleeting connection with him made her realize that she needs to stop closing herself off and needs to jump at new opportunities. Also EJ has just grown SO much as a character, from basically the villain in season 1 to this cheeky and sweet guy in season 2. Season 1 EJ would've never shown up at the airport lol. As I've said before, EJ and Gina aren't my ship at all but at this point in the show their connection makes sense and they need each other now for this stepping stone in their progression as characters. And that's great. 😊 Last three episodes of the season coming up. Two more FANTASTIC original songs that I think you'll love as well as the Beauty And The Beast covers. And a lot of key storylines progress so I look forward to seeing what you think. 🙂

Gemma Rivera

This is such a great episode. My new favorite so far, and I LOVED last episode. The progression of Gina and EJ is just so great to see. They are both so different from how they started out and I just love how they've grown together as friends and hopefully into something more. I just love how adorable and cute EJ has become. His relationship with Ashlyn is so playful and fun and he's sweet with Gina. Paying attention to the little details and taking initiative in a way that is not presumptuous and overbearing and taking care of her in so many ways. Gina is independent and not used to having anyone take care of her and he does in so many unexpected ways and it's just so nice to see it play out so organically and not forced. It kind of feels like they were written as friends and then the chemistry kicked in and probably surprised them and they couldn't ignore it. I love when that happens on a show. Like Travis, I want this to happen so bad! Loved the video that they made and how they didn't sink to North High's level. I'm glad they had Ricky be separate from everyone. He needs time to himself to grow. He's always been attached to Nini and he deserves to find out who he is as an individual

Portia Crain

High school relationships are so freaking hard... because in high school you are constantly changing and learning and the odds that you are doing that at the same pace as your bf/gf are slim