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Thanks Wendy!



Ilsuk Yang

Damn! These mother forking allergies! Then that ending with the testimony from the actual men to go through this. Very good movie! Also, many Japanese soldiers would perform seppuku, a ritual suicide, instead of getting captured by enemy forces or surrendering. They would rather take their own lives than potentially suffer at the hands of their enemies. That's why that Japanese soldier/officer stabbed himself and had the other Japanese soldier cut his head off just in case. Anyways, Andrew Garfield is amazing! I can't believe I didn't watch this before!

Pearltheodora Rose

Andrew Garfield’s Character ( Desmond Doss) is the one who hit his brother with the Brick


If I remember correctly, Desmond estimated he got 50 men off the ridge but his fellow troops estimated closer to 100 so they split the difference and called it 75. Apparently he did a lot more (he had actually been in 1 or 2 battles before the Ridge) but Gibson felt the audience would find it too unbelievable so he limited it to the events at the Ridge. Also, his fellow troops didn't really treat him the way the movie portrays.